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Chapter 108 A pair of sisters and brothers in trouble

  Here, Zhou Mingyan was rarely restless.

  On the other side, Tong Qian lives unconsciously.

  Seven years after his rebirth, his mother became a well-known entrepreneur, he and his sister became students in key middle schools, and Zhou Mingyan was a genius reported countless times by domestic and foreign media.

At this stage of his life, even if he doesn't study hard in the future, it will be enough for him to live his life comfortably.

  Therefore, compared to the pressure Tong Pan'er feels, Tong Qian can be said to live a relaxed and happy life, with no pressure at all, and naturally lacks the motivation to move forward.

  "Dude, you're so calm."

  After getting the results of this quiz, my deskmate looked sad, but when he glanced at Tong Qian next to him, he couldn't help but feel a faint sense of superiority.

  He ranked tenth from the bottom of the class, and Tong Qian ranked third from the bottom.

  A pair of brothers in need.

  Tong Qian was disdainful: "I did so poorly in the exam because I had diarrhea due to eating. You got the exam based on your ability. We are different."

  Wang Pingping has never cut off Tong Qian's change since he was a child, and Tong Pan'er and Zhou Mingyan would give him some change from time to time. After years of accumulation, Tong Qian's small treasury is very objective.

  Abundant money made Tong Qian gradually abandon the frugal habits he had developed in his previous life of poverty.

  He started to buy the things he wanted to buy, eat the snacks he wanted to eat, and play with the toys he wanted to play with.

  By the time his family discovered that he had developed the habit of eating from roadside food stalls at some point, it was too late to stop him.

  Tong Qian was already admitted to the hospital because he ignored the hygiene conditions and ate snacks from outside.

  After a checkup, it was gastroenteritis.

  But Tong Qian didn't change his mind.

  It was obvious that I was in excruciating pain before. I was lying on the hospital bed crying that I would never eat snacks again in my life. I turned around and couldn't help but buy them.

  The family members talked and scolded her, and Wang Pingping couldn't help but use her hands when she got angry, but they couldn't get rid of Tong Qian's bad habit.

  Before this quiz, Tong Qian returned to his old ways. He smelled the stinky tofu on the roadside and couldn't help but buy a few more yuan to try it. As a result, he had diarrhea as soon as he ate it.

  When the teacher came to visit him because he did poorly in the exam, Tong Qian confidently told the cause and effect.

  The teacher waved his hand feebly and told him to be careful in the future and not eat unclean things again.

  Tong Qian simply nodded in agreement.

  But when he thought about facing his family back home, his confident look completely disappeared.

  I hope my mother is too busy today and sleeps directly at the company and has no time to go home.

  But his expectations were destined to be disappointed.

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