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Chapter 140 Result

  Before the paternity test results come out, every second is like a year.

  This is not only true for Wang Pingping's family, but also for the Lin family who want to take advantage of the opportunity to become famous.

  Lin's father and mother even went to the hospital three times a day to urge the doctor to quickly take out the identification certificate.

  The hospital was annoyed by them. The results that were supposed to take six days came out in less than four days.

  When issuing an appraisal certificate, according to regulations, both parties need to be present.

  Wang Pingping received the notice early in the morning and rushed over, leaving the children waiting anxiously at home.

  Zhou Mingyan is the calmest among the three.

  He even had the time to ask: "What's for lunch today?"

  Tong Qian held his hands nervously: "How can I be in the mood to think about what to eat for lunch? Now I just want to know the result."

  "Isn't the probability already over 90?"

  Zhou Mingyan said lightly.

  Although there is a possibility of making a mistake, this possibility is too small.

"Actually," Tong Qian knew this was not good, so he said very quietly, "I hope we are wrong."

  He really couldn't like Lin Dongdong, who had never dealt with him head-on.

  After Tong Qian said this, he originally thought he would be scolded.

  Unexpectedly, Tong Paner, who had been silent until now, also whispered in agreement.

  "I don't like her either."

  Seeing her two younger brothers looking over, she quickly clarified: "It's not because of Sun Yan, I just think she's not easy to mess with."

  A person can be ugly or incompetent, but he must not have a bad character.

  From Lin Dongdong's refusal to do the appraisal and his attempts to take advantage of their family, it can be seen that this girl is not generous and has evil intentions at a young age.

  Several people in the family didn't like her very much.

  As he was talking, the phone at home rang.

  Tong Qian ran over and saw that it was the assistant who accompanied Wang Pingping to the hospital to get the results.

  This is the tip-off.

  He put his hand up, but didn't dare to take it.

  So he pulled Zhou Mingyan over and said, "Come pick him up."

  Zhou Mingyan picked up the phone casually, listened to a few words from the other party, said "hmm", and hung up the phone.

  Tong Qian and his brother stared at him closely.

  Zhou Mingyan shrugged: "I'm afraid your expectations have been disappointed."

  Tong Qian suddenly collapsed on the chair.

  Lin Dongdong is really her mother's biological daughter, Tong Pan'er's sister and Tong Qian's second sister.

  After being silent for a long time, Tong Paner managed to cheer up.

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