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Chapter 61 Zhao Xueyi was threatened

  When the teacher arrived, Zhou Mingyan had already arranged the six boys clearly.

  Although the students unanimously denied the conflict, they were still severely lectured by the teacher.

  The teacher who caught them at that time was Tong Zhengwen.

  Why did the principal call Zhou Mingyan?

  Tong Qian guessed, and when the bell rang, he quickly jumped out of the classroom.

  He originally wanted to go to the toilet, but accidentally caught a glimpse of Zhao Xueyi sneaking towards the outside of the school.

  has a problem!

  Out of intuition, Tong Qian followed decisively and saw Zhao Xueyi looking left and right. After leaving the school gate, he turned left and disappeared behind the high wall.

  Tong Qian followed him quietly, relying on his small stature to follow him around the corner.

  Under the withered pear tree in the corner, stood a figure that surprised Tong Qian.

  It turned out to be Liu Chunhua.

  When did these two people get together?

  With such questions, Tong Qian couldn't help but hold his breath, wanting to hear what they were talking about.

  Unfortunately, he was too far away, and occasionally only fragments of words drifted into his ears, making it impossible to deduce the content of the conversation.

  Fortunately, the two people seemed to be arguing. The noise got louder and louder, and Tong Qian could barely hear it clearly.

  Liu Chunhua shouted loudly: "You're so conscientious Zhao Xueyi, if I had known that I should have confessed the scandal between you and Widow Zhao that day, and let the Zhao family beat you to death!"

  Zhao Xueyi? And Widow Zhao?

  This is... a proper uncle-sister-in-law affair!

  Tong Qian was stunned by the huge melon.

  Liu Chunhua was not exaggerating this time. If such a scandal were to be exposed, given the violent temper inherited by the Zhao family, the adulterer and adulteress would probably be beaten to death on the spot.

  Zhao Xueyi also understood the character of his family members. Thinking about the consequences of the incident being exposed, he shuddered and did not dare to say anything for a while.

  Liu Chunhua held the handle in her hand and sneered.

  "I don't care what you do, anyway, you have to give me five hundred... no, one thousand yuan before Sunday, and I will keep this matter in my stomach, otherwise..."

  "One thousand?!" Zhao Xueyi shouted unbearably, "Didn't we only ask for five hundred just now!"

  "Who told you to wait and refuse just now? If you had agreed earlier, the money would have been less. Now it's one thousand, let's decide whether you will give it or not!"

  Faced with Liu Chunhua's rogue behavior, Zhao Xueyi trembled with anger and roared: "What the hell are you still..."

  The angry words were stuck in her throat, but Liu Chunhua cut them off.

  "Teacher Zhao, this is a school. If someone finds out, it doesn't matter to me, a rural woman who can't read a word, but I'm afraid you will have to lose some face!"

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