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Chapter 128 Suspected crush

  Even if Tong Qian thought of ways to make his mother happy, Wang Pingping would just smile reluctantly.

  Finally, she said: "It's already so late. You should go back to bed quickly. You have to go to school tomorrow."

  Tong Qian was kicked out of the room.

  He tossed and turned in the room for a long time, feeling that the problem might lie with his sister's crush.

  Tong Pan'er was obedient and never caused trouble before, but now that he has found someone he likes, his temper suddenly becomes violent and unreasonable.

  This is a typical love brain.

  The representative figure, Aunt Qiong Yao, has many stories.

  Tong Qian recalled those Qiong Yao TV series he had watched in his previous life, scenes in which the heroines abandoned their families for love, and his heart suddenly shuddered.

  No, we have to stop my sister before she does something even more irreversible.

  Tong Qian, who was on a mission, began to secretly inquire about Tong Paner's possible crush.

  But there are thousands of students in Jinghai No. 1 Middle School, and there are more boys than girls. Who knows which one she likes.

  Moreover, Tong Qian had to fight alone because his deskmate refused to help anymore this time.

  My deskmate complained aggrievedly and angrily.

  "You are a dishonest person! Last time you promised to treat me to KFC, but then you turned around and refused to admit it. I have seen through you, and I will never be fooled again!"

  No matter how sweet Tong Qian was, his deskmates were no longer willing to help the dishonest person.

  He had no choice but to ask a girl from Tong Paner's class to investigate.

  That's right, the one who blocked Tong Pan'er in the toilet and wrote a love letter to Zhou Mingyan.

  Tong Qian found the girl in private and made up a set of white lies with her.

  Zhou Mingyan rejects you not because you are not good enough, but because he is currently busy with his career and has no time to distract himself from falling in love.

  This is the most common excuse for rejecting someone.

  Anyone with some experience knows that if the other person really likes you, they won't be able to refuse you no matter how busy they are.

  However, the girl was so moved that she burst into tears.

  Her eyes were red: "Please help me tell him, no, don't tell him, so as not to waste his time. For a genius like him, it is my fault to waste every minute of him."

  Tong Qian: "..."

  I always feel that Zhou Mingyan is no longer a human being in the eyes of these girls who admire him, but like an unworldly and aloof genius.

  Infinitely magnified and infinitely beautified.

  Maybe what they like is not the familiar Zhou Mingyan, but the person in their hearts who suits their dreams.

  Just like girls like idols.

  This somewhat relieved Tong Qian's guilt.

  Therefore, when asking for help from others, I feel more confident.

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