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Chapter 28 A legitimate family


  Tong Qian's mouth moved silently, but the person who read out the name was his uncle who had looked so fierce just now.

  Zhou Mingyan had a sullen face and walked towards the sunset step by step.

  Although he was still a young man of small stature, he always felt that he had an indomitable aura, and Tong Qian couldn't help but take a step back.

  Zhou Mingyan's gaze passed over Tong Qian, his black pupils fixed on the two people in front of him.

  "Uncle, aunt, long time no see."

  An ordinary greeting made the two adults look at each other in horror as if they had seen a ghost.

  "Ming, Mingyan, where have you been these days?"

  There was an extremely strange sweetness to my aunt's voice, full of hypocrisy and affectation.

  Zhou Mingyan looked calm, but Tong Qian felt a thump in his heart.

  He was angry.

  He couldn't read minds, but because of his understanding of Zhou Mingyan, Tong Qian still felt panicked.

  Zhou Mingyan said calmly, "I came here this time because I want to transfer my household registration."

  "Where to move?"

  The uncle immediately became alert. He has not forgotten that the little nephew in front of him is the real heir to the family where he has lived for many years.

  Zhou Mingyan said, "I want to go to another place to go to school. The teacher said that if I don't move my registered residence, I won't be able to study."

  As soon as the uncle and aunt came together, they quickly looked at each other and understood each other's inner thoughts.

  "Mingyan, you are still young, don't be fooled by others. Moving into a household is a big deal. Even though your parents are gone, we, as elders, still have the right to help you decide."

  Are they threatening?

  Use your rights as a guardian to threaten Zhou Mingyan?

  Pooh! shameless! Shameless!

  Just when Tong Qian was fighting to be beaten and wanted to scold him, a slightly cold palm held his hand.

  A slight coolness spread along his meridians and into his heart, making his chaotic mind slightly clearer.

  "Don't worry, I don't want the house. Not just the house, everything in this house belongs to you."

  The couple couldn't believe it.

  How much effort had they put in over the years to get Zhou Mingyan to give them the house? How could their wish for so many years be solved with just one sentence?

  If I had known it was so easy, I would have told this kid to get out earlier.

  This is the common sentiment of the couple.

  Zhou Mingyan took out the paper and pen and wrote down a long string of words.

  It probably means that Zhou Mingyan voluntarily gave the house and all the items in it to his mother's younger brother and sister-in-law for free.

  The two people who got the note were still in disbelief.

  Zhou Mingyan spread out the paper and said, "As long as I am here, this statement will be valid for one day. Now, you can give me your account."

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