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Chapter 186 The ultimate scumbag

  Not to mention how Tong Weilong inquired about the residence of Wang Pingping's mother and son, but after returning from Daya Village that day, Tong Qian immediately asked Wang Pingping to investigate Tong Weilong's experiences over the years.

  Although he knew this well, it was still a memory from his previous life. In this life, the fate of many people has changed, and it is impossible to say for sure.

  When the results of the investigation were in front of him and he read them carefully, Tong Qian said coldly and disdainfully: "Sure enough, dogs can't change their eating of shit."

  Tong Pan'er glanced at her brother silently.

  Back then, Tong Weilong finally divorced Wang Pingping, got rid of the big family that was dragging him down, and immediately ran back to the south.

  After all, he has nothing to worry about in his hometown.

  Earlier, Tong Weilong got rich by chance and indulged in sensual places. After many experiences, he finally fell into the hands of a nightclub girl.

  Not only did he "rescue" the young lady from the club, he also bought her a small villa in order to hide her beauty in a golden house.

  Later, Tong Weilong and Miss Longhe gave birth to a son, and they went in and out together all day long, just like a family of three.

  Tong Qian had known these nonsense in his previous life.

  But Wang Pingping, who heard this for the first time, remained silent for a long time.

  "That's why he will leave you behind without hesitation..."

  Because there is a way out outside, his wife and children at home, who are waiting for him to come back, are of no importance.

  The more she got to know this man, the more fortunate Wang Pingping was. Although she didn't know the man well, she was divorced from the man and would not be trapped in it for the rest of her children's lives.

  "He was living a good life in the south, why did he come back?" Tong Weiguo asked curiously.

  Since working in Jinghai City, the focus of his life has been here. In addition to going back to see his family during the holidays, it was only this time that Grandma Li passed away that he asked for leave to return to Daya Village.

  "I really didn't know he was back. I didn't mean not to tell you."

  Upon learning that they had met Tong Weilong by chance, Tong Weiguo immediately clarified.

  Although Tong Weilong was his cousin and closer by blood, his character was so bad that Tong Weiguo looked down on him in his heart.

  Tong Qian agreed: "No fool can offend the boss for that kind of person."

  ...This makes sense.

  If you want to ask why Tong Weilong appeared in Daya Village in such a miserable state, you have to mention the "business" that made him rich overnight ten years ago.

  At that time, Tong Weilong took all his wealth and went south, with the dream of getting rich overnight, but he did not have the vision to get rich overnight. Several investments failed, and he was so penniless that he did not even have the travel expenses to return to his hometown.

  At this moment, he met a noble man.

  The identity of this noble man in the information was not specified in detail. It was only said that Tong Weilong followed this man to buy and sell.

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