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Chapter 87: Fired

  Under Xu Can's constant urging, Tong Qian, who has a poor memory, finally remembered to bring the comic book to school.

  This is a color-printed copy of Nezha Naohai. The painting style is lively and interesting, and the quality is extremely high. This book alone costs 5 yuan, and most people are reluctant to buy it for their children.

  Xu Can held the book, his eyes shining.

  "I will definitely return this book to you intact." He vowed.

  Big Fat suddenly pulled Tong Qian from behind, and the noisy classroom suddenly became quiet.

  It turned out that the principal walked into the classroom.

  "Starting from today, the school's classes have changed. The first class of every day for all grades will be changed to a morning reading class, which is used to recite Chinese texts. There is no teacher coming for this class, and the monitor and study committee are responsible for ensuring class discipline. Other teachers and I will conduct regular inspections."

  After announcing this, the principal urged the students to take out their Chinese textbooks and read them.

  Why did the class suddenly need to be changed?

  Could it be...

  When get out of class was over, Tong Qian's suspicion was confirmed.

  Zhao Xueyi was expelled from school.

  In the past few days, parents have come to the school one after another to accuse Zhao Xueyi of amassing money.

  The school was so annoyed that Zhao Xueyi was asked to deal with it.

  Zhao Xueyi had no choice but to return the money he took out from the pockets of the students' parents, and had to face scolding with a smiling face.

  But in order to keep this job, he had to do this. Not to mention how hard he felt, he had already scolded the troublesome Tong Qian countless times.

  He knew that Daya Primary School lacked educational resources and the teachers were already good enough. If one person were suddenly missing, the originally arranged teaching plan would be completely disrupted.

  Therefore, even if the principal doesn't like him or his colleagues don't like him, he will still be patient for the sake of the students.

  The bad thing is that after one of the parents took the 11 yuan that Zhao Xueyi refunded him for overcharging, he was still not satisfied. He threw his child's painting-filled practice lesson on Zhao Xueyi's face, forcing Zhao Xueyi to refund the 15 yuan to him. he.

  Zhao Xueyi suffered major blows one after another during this period. He was already very distressed. In addition, he had a strong self-esteem. He endured being insulted in person like this. He endured it again and again, but he still couldn't hold it back and started fighting with the parent.

  This time was different from the last time with Liu Chunhua, in that they did it in private, and no one except the teachers in the school knew about it.

  This time we started just in time for the end of get out of class, and we were surrounded by teachers, parents and students.

  Not only were the students surprised that the teacher, who usually acted tall and dignified in the classroom, behaved like a gangster, but even the parents could not bear to let such a violent person teach their children.

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