Never Without You

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Final post of Choi Seulki

Seulki let a tired smile grace her face as she relaxed on the leather couch. The dim lighting of the studio always seemed to relax her and help her fall asleep quicker when she needed a nap. A lot had happened the past few months and right now, she was soaking up all the time off they had to rejuvenate and come back stronger, more confident and better than ever.

The boys had stayed true to their word and BigHit had worked hard and fast on her bullying controversy. Only weeks after it had come out, BigHit had already had evidence compiled proving that it was false and fabricated. To her surprise, even being overseas, Taehyung, Jimin and Namjoon had spent whatever free time they had gathering evidence to send to BigHit about the photos and pictures of text messages also being fabricated and edited.

Seulki wasn't surprised to find out that the people—rather girl—behind the untrue posts was one of the girls that had bullied her harshly in school. Her and her ex-friend, Sooji, had been good friends. Seulki was sure that Sooji was the one that had played puppet master and organized the whole thing, but she didn't have any proof of that. So, she did the only thing she could—let it go. Karma would come get her time.

BigHit had released a statement, including the evidence of posts, pictures, messages, etc. that had been edited to put Seulki in a bad light. They had reiterated their harsh no-tolerance policy and promised fans that they were taking strict legal action. That wasn't a lie; they had. The girl now had several charges against her for defemination and cyber bullying. She would be receiving hefty fines from the law and Seulki felt that while there should be a little more than just that, she would take it and hope this would put a stop to it.

Now, things were calm. There was no scandals, no drama, no news. It was just the eight of them enjoying their time off and living as normal people. Well, as normal as their life could be. They still needed security wherever they went in public and of course, they needed to try and disguise themselves. Fans had gotten better at leaving them alone if they did see them in public, but there were still those that would send out their locations and such. So, normal as it could be.

The beeping for the door sounded in the room and Seulki half sat up to greet Yoongi walking through the door. "Welcome home, Yoongles," she teased and he only rolled his eyes. "You're in here literally every day. Why don't you go do something to enjoy your time off?"

"I am enjoying my time off," she countered, laying back down. "This is the best way I can spend it. No making songs, no recording, no dance practices. Just laying here and sleeping."

Yoongi snorted but she caught the small smile that he was trying to hide. "How are you doing?" He asked. In typical Yoongi fashion, he didn't face her or anything. Simply sat in his chair and powered up his monitors. "I'm fine. The comments have died down and they released everything to show it was all fabricated. So, no more hate comments. Well, except the ones I always get. That's nothing new though. They don't bother me anymore."

Yoongi hummed, still looking at his monitors. "Then why are you here?" He asked and while that may have seemed heartless or mean of him, she knew he didn't mean it that way. It was just his genuine curiosity. "I like it here. It's quiet and it helps me sleep when I need a nap."

Yoongi hummed again and Seulki sat up, rolling on to her stomach and resting her chin on the armrest of the couch. "You're such a fun person to talk to, you know. Every grunt, every hum just fills me with so much emotion." Yoongi snorted and glanced at her from the corner of his eyes. She was only teasing and he knew it. He wasn't going to play into it today. He'd spent the whole week getting teased by her.

"Jungkook and Taehyung-ah are going out for lunch in a bit. You should go with them. I'm tired of you this week." Seulki stuck her tongue out at him and pulled her phone out to call the two. "You love me no matter what." In typical Yoongi fashion, he only hummed in response but had a smile on his face.

An hour later, Seulki was parked in a booth waiting for food with Jungkook, Taehyung and Jin. Jin decided he didn't want to cook today and invited himself along. No one was complaining. The three chatted happily and ate their food, returning back to the dorm together.

"I say we should do a movie night or something," Jimin piped up, running out to the couch after he heard them come back. "I agree! It's been so long and everyone's going to be leaving soon to see parents and family, let's have tonight together! Just like before debut!" Seulki could feel her excitement buzzing. It really had been a long time since they had time to do something as just the eight of them that didn't involve work.

"I'll call Joon and Yoongi," Jin said, already pulling his phone out. Jungkook and Taehyung argued over what movies they should watch for at least twenty minutes until Jin was tired of it and said that each one of them would pick one movie and those are the movies they would watch. That seemed to quell any lingering arguments about Frozen being to mainstream now or having seen Moana at least fifty times already.

Two hours later, they had all parked themselves somewhere on the couch. Seulki was laying across Hoseok and Jimin's lap, Hoseok gently—and terribly—braiding and unbraiding her hair. She didn't mind. It felt nice and she wasn't going out anywhere.

The first movie was one that Jungkook wanted to watch. Some action movie that Seulki knew would probably lull her to dreamland in an hour. She loved him though and didn't think Jin was up to solving anymore arguments so, she kept quiet as Jungkook put it on.

It was quiet and everyone watched diligently. Sometimes Namjoon would say something about how that move couldn't happen in real life and then Jungkook would argue and say that he could do it. Jimin and Taehyung laughed as they teased Jungkook about the movie, spoiling it for him as if they had already seen it (they hadn't).

Hoseok, Jin, Yoongi and Seulki were the only ones who stayed quiet. They watched in amusement at the other four. Hoseok was still playing with Seulki's hair and her eyes were slowly becoming heavier and heavier with exhaustion. She could sleep for the rest of this movie. Hoseok would wake her up before the next one.

She took one more look around the room, small smile on her face. It had been a long, hard road to get to where they were. Drama and scandals and world pandemics, but they had made it and were still shooting to keep going until they couldn't anymore.

These seven people made up her life now, more than her own family. They fought and bickered like siblings do but they always made up. They teased and made fun of each other like siblings do. They were there for each other—more than family—in Seulki's opinion. This was her true family. They always would be no matter where the future took them.

She would never be without them and they would never be without her.

She was in this Bangtan shit for life—literally.

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