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Chapter 723
11 248 Vouchers
Elvis Reynolds talks about how hard life is, and Bob Mendoza wo n’t really give a dollar .
For the sake of the dead Brook, Bob Mendoza still transferred $ 10,000 to Elvis Reynolds for the sake of being ashamed of Elvis Reynolds.
$ 10.000 isn’t even the minimum payment on a credit card, and Elvis Reynolds couldn’t make excuses for wanting to get more.
She can only go back with the ten thousand dollars first, ten thousand dollars is better than nothing.
Elvis Reynolds left. Helen came back from grocery shopping.
Bob Mendoza put his mobile phone on the coffee table and went to the bedroom to wash up.
Helen heard Bob Mendoza ‘s cell phone ring and came out of the kitchen.” Bob, answer the phone.”
Bob Mendoza, who was washing up didn’t receive it. Helen wiped her hands and went to get her phone, muttering, “This kid, I can’t even cry for a long time.”
Helen picked up the phone, the call ended.
She was about to put it back when she saw a Whatsapp message pop up
on the screen.
It is a notice that Elvis Reynolds has received the payment.
Helen was very angry when she saw that Bob Mendoza transferred $ 10,000 to Elvis Reynolds more than ten minutes ago.
She was not angry with her son, but angry with Elvis Reynolds for being shameless and asking for money while she was out.
“It’s really like my son owes your family.” Helen said to herself, she didn’t say anything, and put the phone back.
Chapter 723
11 248 Vouchers
Helen realized that she had to get Elvis Reynolds away from her son, otherwise Elvis Reynolds would suck his blood dry sooner or later.
The Walker family is a group of vampires.
Helen thought of Lainey Marlowe, whom Bob Mendoza had posted before, and had an idea.
Helen finished the meal and went to the bureau to find Bob Mendoza ‘s colleagues to inquire about Lainey Marlowe.
at the same time.
Lainey Marlowe is babysitting Vivienne Quinn at South Gate Villa.
The two little dolls look better the longer they grow, fleshy, pink and tender.
Lainey Marlowe teased Irma with a smile.” Irma give the godmother a smile, Irma looks so cute, she will definitely be a big beauty in the future.”
Irma smiled with her tongue out, and Lainey Marlowe said excitedly.” Vivienne. Vivienne, look, Irma smiled at me, it’s so cute, and there are dimples.”
Vivienne Quinn was still feeding Murphy with milk powder, and said with a smile, “Did you become cute?”
“That’s not right, I can’t wait to take him back to raise him. By the way, after my parents knew that you had two children, they urged me to go on blind dates, get married and have children. They wanted to have a grandson. My brother is still in college. They just ruined me.”
Vivienne Quinn said, “Marriage is a big event. With your conditions, it is not difficult to find a good one. Anyway, I have prepared the gift money, and I am waiting to drink your wedding wine.”
Lainey Marlowe squeezed Irma ‘s little hand lightly, and said
Chapter 723
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casually. “You should drink Bob’s wedding bar first, he and Elvis Reynolds are getting married soon, I heard that they will get married on February 14th.”
“Why didn’t I know?” Vivienne Quinn was surprised, “I haven’t heard of it. Bob Mendoza is really going to get married, with that Elvis Reynolds? Who did you hear about?”
“Bob said that, he also asked me if I was free that day, and I said I was going on a date with a blind date .”
Vivienne Quinn,”…”
“You can lie enough.” Vivienne Quinn could n’t laugh or cry,” Did Bob Mendoza believe it?”
“Believe it or not, it’s his business. I can’t really go to my ex-boyfriend’s wedding.” Lainey Marlowe teased herself, “Then I will present a song for them. The boyfriend got married, and the bride is not me.”
Vivienne Quinn was amused, “It seems that I don’t need to worry about you.”
Lainey Marlowe has already adjusted herself.
Lainey Marlowe asked,” Vivienne, your husband isn’t coming back for Valentine’s Day? What is he going to K city for? He’s been away on business for so long.”
“I didn’t ask.” Vivienne Quinn said, “He wanted me to go with him. I couldn’t bear the child, so I didn’t go.”
“K city is a good place. It’s like spring all the year round. You should go there, just to live in the world of two people.” Lainey Marlowe said, “You can’t suffer yourself when you are bitter, and you can’t sweeten your children when you are sweet. When you are young, you don’t get tired of being with men. How can you have the strength to make love when you are old ?”
Chapter 723
Vivienne Quinn-blushed, “You, you don’t speak seriously.”
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Lainey Marlowe smiled, “By the way, why didn’t I see Mrs. Quinn? What is she busy with?”
“My m o m goes out to meet up with friends every day, and she says she’s bored at home.” Vivienne Quinn hugged Murphy and said with a smile, “Actually, I know that my m o m has found a job outside. Son-in-law, how can you rely on yourself to be steadfast.”
Vivienne Quinn knew what Mrs. Quinn was thinking, and she was not very tired after working for a few hours, so she didn’t stop her.
Everyone has to have their own social circle. People in Violet Smyth ‘s social circle, Mrs. Quinn are not at the same level as them, and they can’t play together.
Lainey Marlowe said,” Mrs. Quinn has been tired for half her life, and now she can’t rest.”
Lainey Marlowe left after staying at South Gate Villa for a while, Vivienne Quinn waited for the kids to nap and called Damien Smyth

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