Chapter 198: Intent of Pride!

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For what felt like hours of the most miserable moments of my life, all I did was release my pent-up emotions and cried to my heart's content; I couldn't see myself, but I knew I was an utter mess, though I didn't care. The death of Elaine was such a dreadful thing for me to accept that I didn't care about anything right now, not myself, not my pride, not Marley, Idonea, Sarah, Illumia, Mandy, Mother, Father, Grandfather, Grandmother; I didn't care about any of that, the only thought in my mind was of Elaine.

I didn't know for exactly how long I cried, but it was most definitely multiple hours, yet even so, I had no intention of stopping as my heart was far from expressing the intense agony it felt from the loss of Elaine. After what felt like another excruciating long time of nothing but constant sobbing, I finally began to quiet down as my mourning eventually came to a halt.

Looking at the ground through my watery eyes, I noticed my tears had created a small puddle within the mountain I was floating above, but I didn't even react to it; shifting my attention toward the monster frozen in place, I knew I should feel nothing but anger at the creature that robbed me of my precious little sister, yet I felt absolutely nothing as I gazed at its monstrous appearance.

I didn't feel any hatred or rage; I felt absolutely nothing, indifference almost, giving me a weird sense of serenity, something I'd never felt before, not even when I'd experienced an epiphany, though I didn't care about that. As I looked at the monster, I could feel my desire to do anything had considerably waned, while almost every other emotion had vanished entirely; I didn't locate any joy, anger, disappointment, or anything else within my heart, not even pain or sadness.

It's almost as if the death of Elaine had turned me numb, and as I observed the realm, I couldn't help but find everything bland; no longer were there various vibrant colors; it all looked gray to me, sparking no emotions out of me whatsoever. Despite my current numb and indifferent state, the only thing I had retained was my pride; I could still clearly feel it growing by the second within myself.

'It seems my work here is done; we'll meet again, Elif August.' Said the Majestic voice softly as her presence receded, causing the realm to unfreeze.

Even though I had heard the voice's words, I didn't pay it any heed; any interest in that voice had disappeared, and now all that remained within myself was an unwavering sense of pride.

"ARGHHHH, I'll kill you fucking Elf!" Yelled the monster without any semblance of intelligence as it madly charged toward the detached Elif, who merely gave it an unimpressed look as if he were looking down at an insect.

Looking at the monster rapidly approaching me, I felt something within me, seemingly urging me to be called upon, and as I took a closer look within myself, I found it to be the powerful and pure mysterious intent that hadn't shown any signs of movement since the day I faced my first heavenly tribulation. While I usually would've been ecstatic at such a change, just like how I felt about everything else, I didn't care, its presence sparking nothing from me, though that didn't mean I didn't call upon it.

Taking control of the mysterious intent and bending it to my will, I looked at the monster dead in the eye; without any emotion, I spoke to it, causing the intent to gush out from within me as it instantly headed the monster and entered into its body, the monsters superior cultivation base proving to not be a hindrance whatsoever.

"Kneel." Stated Elif with an emotionless expression while looking at the monster, and with the mysterious intent heeding his command, it took the monster out of the air and forced it to kneel despite the difference in cultivation.

Seeing the monster crash to the ground onto its knees, other than raising an eyebrow, I hardly reacted, floating down toward the monster, who was struggling with all his might to resist the intent, to no avail; I just looked at him, finding it almost amusing that this monster, who was now helplessly kneeling beneath my might, was the creature that killed Elaine and shattered my heart.

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