Bain- Like Your Father (c)

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You frowned as your step-son walked into the room with cuts and bruises. You let out a sigh walking over to him.

"What happened?" you asked him softly.

This happened too often for it to shock you anymore.

"Some boys were picking on Tilda, so I told them to fight someone their own size," he frowned.

"Come on sweetie let's get you cleaned up before your Dad gets home," you sighed ushering him into the kitchen. You picked him up and sat him on the dining table.

Turning from him you dampened a cloth in the sick going back to him and smiling softly.

"What am I going to do with you?" you chuckled.

You cupped his cheek with one hand and used the cloth in your other hand to wipe at the blood and dirt that covered his face.

"Are you going to tell him?" he asked.

It was obvious he was talking about his Father. You smiled softly at the little boy. Since you had married his Father you had seen him and his sisters as your own children.

"He needs to know Bain. He can't be that angry. He'll just be upset that you put yourself in danger again. He'll be glad you stood up for your sister though. It is good that you are there for your sisters when they need you," you smiled, "Just try not to fight people. Use your words they can be more hurtful than your fists. But that doesn't mean you should try to hurt someone. But standing up for yourself and your sisters if they need you to is an exception."

"Okay Y/N," he whispered hanging his head although you lifted it up almost instantly so you could continue to tend to his wounds.

"Don't worry kid. You can't help it. You are so much like your Father you know that?" you chuckled kissing his forehead as you finished cleaning him up.

You sat next to him on the table wrapping an arm around him.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Your Father has a thing about getting into fights. That's how we met, he was defending my honour against this bloke in the market, when I was patching him up we got talking. He can't help himself but help people even if he gets hurt doing so. It's good you want to help, just don't be stupid okay? We'd all be lost if anything happened to you Bain."

He looked up at you and smiled softly.

"I'll stop being stupid," he said.

"No you won't. As I said you are like your Father, he still does stupid things."


Written by Charlotte.

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