Fili and Kili- Snow Juggling (c)

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You pulled your coat closer to you, before wrapping your scarf around your neck. With the amount of layers you, your movement was slightly impaired, unable to move your arms fully, and your walk was a slight waddle, but you did your best to seem as though you were a normal human rather than an immobile one due to your excessive layers.

As you were living with many dwarves, you were the only one that the cold really affected, as dwarves had an ability to not feel the cold. With the thick layers of snow and the continuing falling snow, there was no reason you wouldn't feel as though you were frozen.

You had 'borrowed' clothing from the dwarves to build up these layers as to try not to allow the snow to freeze your skin.

The two princes ran towards you holding a snowball in each hand. Your eyes widened. Suddenly the white objects flew through the air colliding with you, making you stumble backwards, and falling into the snow.

Both of the brothers laughed as they ran closer to you, leaning over you.

"Sorry Y/N," Kili laughed, putting one of his hands out, whilst the blond did the same.

You took hold of both of their hands and allowed them to pull you up onto your feet. They continued to laugh as they decided what would be done in the snow.

Although they were many years your senior they decided, that they should build a snowman. You had no idea why we should build a snowman.

But they were very interested in it, and thought it was for the best to keep you out of the way, not allowing you to touch the snowman, so you decided to amuse yourself.

Rather than assisting with the rather lopsided snowmen, you decided to create snowballs you thought would work as ammunition to throw at the brothers, as there wasn't too much more damage you could do to the snowman than what they had done.

Instead of doing that though you decided the very icy snowballs were quite durable, and would probably hurt a lot so there was another use for them.

Grabbing three of them, you threw one into the air, before you got into the rhythm you needed allowing it to look like actual juggling. As you began to throw them faster, you let out an excited squeal. It took you by surprise when one of the brothers spoke for a moment. That small shock led to you accidentally dropping the snowballs midair, one colliding with your head, once again knocking you to the floor.

"What were you doing?" Fili asked.

"Juggling," You groaned, "It wasn't as impressive as I expected it to be."

"Well it was interesting," Kili chuckled.


Written by Charlotte.

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