Legolas Greenleaf- Betrothed (h)

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It had not been easy to find someone that worked to the same kind of tune that you did.

Of course, your parents had tried to set you up with multiple suitors but to no avail.

It was not that they had given up however they knew that you would be the best judge of a potential suitor and therefore they were leaving you to your own devices somewhat.

As Aragorn's coronation was coming up, you were asked to attend alongside other ladies of the court.

Whilst you were there you couldn't help but feel someone's eyes on you, as you turned a few times you caught Aragorn's closest friend staring at you when he technically should've been looking at his friend.

You weren't going to deny that he was attractive, but you knew that you wouldn't have a chance to go anywhere near him that day and so you looked away.

Unbeknownst to you Legolas was having similar thoughts.

He'd noticed you as soon as you'd arrived and since then he hadn't been able to tear away his gaze.

Even though he wanted to talk to you for the rest of the evening, there had never been a chance for him to get away from his other companions to make his way over to you.

And so, the evening passed, Legolas never had the option to find you during his time staying with Aragorn and it was soon time for him to move on.

After some time, it came to the day of Aragorn's wedding to Arwen.

Of course, you were attending but there was a part of you hoping that Legolas would be there so you could finally have a chance to speak to him.

With all of the people inside, you had decided to stand outside to get some fresh air and a moment to yourself.

"Has it all gotten too much for you my lady?" a voice came from behind you, startling you slightly.

You turned to see Legolas standing there with his hands clasped behind his back.

Shaking your head, you offered him a smile and he came to stand beside you.

"What brings you out here?"

He smiled. "I noticed that you had come out here alone, and so I wanted to offer my company."

And those were the words that made you start falling for him, hesitant as you were.

After a month of Legolas staying Gondor, he came to you with news that he was to move back to Mirkwood.

"When do you return?" you questioned him as he sat with you on your balcony.

He sighed. "I must ride by the next moon."

You nodded in understanding. "Will you be here again soon?"

"I wish to take you with me my lady."

Confusion crossed your face at his words. "May I inquire as to why?"

"I want you to be my lady and I wish to take you back to my home as my betrothed."

You couldn't help the gasp that escaped your mouth at his words. "You've only known me a month."

He reached to take your hands in his. "Time is nothing to me my love, I wish for you to be my betrothed and to travel home with me."

"You cannot ignore time Legolas, eventually I will die, and you will still be living, and I do not know how I will be able to cope with that knowledge."

Legolas sighed across from you. "I understand my love, but that won't stop me from being with you," he reassured you gently. "You are my life; my reason and I wish to be with you for the rest of my time here."

His words caused you to fall for him even more so, just as they had before. "Nothing would make me happier my prince."


Written by Hannah.

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