Faramir- Sleepwalking (c)

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A soft voice whispered your name repeatedly. You let out a groan and went to roll over. Sadly that's how you realised you weren't in your bed and rather than lying down you had bene propped up against a wall in a sitting position so your upper half fell to the floor smacking your head on the ground.

With this sudden start you sprang back up so you were sat up looking for the person who had called your name. Looking around you noticed you were not in your room, you were in one of the many hallways here, and standing over you was Faramir.

Frantically you looked around again, searching for answers as to how and why you were here with the fair prince.

"Are you okay?" He asked crouching down next to you.

"Where am I?" You croaked, your throat dry from sleep, "Why am I here?"

"I'd like to know that too," he chuckled, "I woke up and went to exit my chambers but I almost fell over you. You were asleep on the floor outside of my door."

Instantly your face flushed crimson.

"I am so sorry," you cried out, "I have no idea how this happened. I must have walked here in my sleep. I remember falling asleep in my bed last night, I do not remember how or why I came here."

He let out another deep chuckle offering you a hand. You took it gratefully, standing up and trying to flatten your creased night dress.

"It is fine Y/N. It was an honour to be graced by an angel so early in the morning."

Your cheeks inflamed further, as his cheeks had a soft red tinge to them also.

"Oh... Thank you," you whispered lowering your head to allow your unruly hair to hide your blushing cheeks.

A hand appeared from your veil of her. Softly the fingers touched your chin raising it whilst another hand moved pieces of hair from your face.

"Do not hide your face. It should be a crime to hide such beauty," he whispered.

His hand slid from your chin, to caress your check.

You had liked him for the longest time but never had you thought it'd be requited. And you certainly never thought this would be how your feelings would be revealed. If he found you beautiful with bed head and morning breath then that was clearly a sign of true love.

"I am sorry for being so forward. I have felt such strong feelings for you for so long but I never knew exactly how to tell you. I understand if you do not feel the same, but it feels as if a weight has been lifted from my chest now that you know," he whispered.

A soft smile curved on your lips. Without a second thought you closed the gap between you, to kiss his lips tenderly.


Written by Charlotte.

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