Reggie Mantle x Reader

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My mouth feels dry, a bitter taste lingering from moments before. Throwing up is not exactly what I want to be doing on a daily basis but it's the only way. I will not let them feed me drugs!

I'm not really sure how I ended up here. Trapped in a home for broken children. One minute I was doodling at our kitchen table, the next I was being dragged off by old ladies.

Picking at the hem of my dress, I exit the room. Desperate to find my escape. Fortunately for me, I always have a plan. Living in Riverdale you have to be prepared.

Wandering aimlessly around the decrepit hallways, I finally find the room I am looking for. I'm not entirely sure what the room is, all I know is that inside there is a phone.

Pressing my ear to the door, I make sure nobody is inside. Glancing down the hallway, I pull a hair grip from my wild mess of hair. It takes a few moments but I'm finally able to swing the door open. Slipping inside, I hesitantly look around. When I am positive that I'm the only one in the room, I smile. It's been a while since I've smiled.

Closing the door behind me, I grab the phone. Dialing the number to the speakeasy as quickly as possible. Hopefully two of my favourite people will be there.

"Hello?" The male voice on the other end of the line says, not expecting me to be calling.

"Reggie, I need your help!" I whisper, determined not to get caught.

"Y/N it's been weeks, where are you? I've been so worried." He tells me, voice laced with concern.

Closing my eyes, I make sure not to cry. I've missed him. Being trapped here has taught me a lot I guess.

"I'm at The Sisters Of Quiet Mercy. I've got a plan but I need you and Vee to park your car in the woods, to the left of the building." I explain and I can hear his breathing rate speed up.

"Of course, we'll be there soon."

Slamming the phone down, I run out of the room. Not wanting to waste anytime. This place is pure torture. Cheryl was right. It's hell here.

After being here for a few weeks, I've noticed one thing. All the windows have bars on them and all the doors are locked. I'm not going to run the risk of using the same door Cheryl escaped from as they probably know about that by now. However there is on window. One window with no bars or locks. On the very top floor.

Standing at the edge of the room, I watch as the other girls talk quietly or play G&G. All the sisters are too busy handing out more fizzle rocks or simply monitoring the girls to notice me, so I take this as my chance.

Careful not to make a noise, I creep out of the door. Running up flights of stairs, not ready to face the consequences if I'm caught. Fortunately there is only three flights of stairs. By the time I reach the top floor, I'm out of breath. Yet I know I need to continue.

Although the odds don't seem to be in my favour as when I try to open the window, it won't move. Despite my efforts it will not budge. Shit. Either I'm completely stuck if I break my way out risking one of the sisters hearing.

Using a broken piece of wood, I hit the window as hard as physically possible. Causing the glass to shatter and small shards prick the skin on my arms and legs.

"Who's up there?" A voice calls, from the bottom of the stairs.

Looking over my shoulder, I hear several pairs of footsteps begin to ascend the staircase. Placing my hand on window ledge I begin to pull myself out. A large piece of glass digs into my hand, but I ignore it. If I stop now then I will get caught.

Descending the pipe, right next to the window I begin to feel hope. Hopeful that this is then end. When my feet touch the soft grass at the bottom of the pipe, I sigh.

Taking a quick look of my hand I realise that the wound is deep and will most likely be painful for a while, due to it being in the centre of my palm. Shaking my head, I forget about the warm liquid dripping down my hand. Instead I run.

As I'm running down the driveway, I hear the shouts of the sisters. Demanding I stop and return. Laughing slightly, I feel confident as I know I can outrun them. Before they know what I'm doing I divert into the woods. Looking for the car.

It feels like I've been running for hours when I finally see the car. Parked on a small country road, Reggie stands beside it. A worried expression on his face. Veronica stands beside him, trying her best to comfort him.

Twigs snap under my feet and the closer I get, they seem to get louder. Veronica notices first, nudging Reggie. Grinning, my legs sprint even faster. Colliding into the large footballer, I wrap my arms around his neck as he spins me in a circle.

"Thank you so much." I whisper into his neck.

Placing me to the ground, Reggie wastes no time. Kissing me like his life depends on it. I never knew how much I missed this, until it was gone.

Removing myself from his body, I nervously look at the front of his white shirt. Blood smeared across his chest, from the slice in my hand.

"Sorry." I giggle, nodding to his chest.

He laughs, pulling me in for another hug. I feel safe now, safe in his arms. Reggie provides comfort, making me feel as though nothing could ever hurt me again.

"Guys, I know you haven't seen each other in weeks but I see a bunch of angry nuns running this way." Veronica states, opening the car door for me.

Bundling into the car, Reggie somehow manages to get us out before they could stop us. Speeding down the country lanes feel like I'm free. Away from all pain and fear.

"Reg, can I stay at yours? I doubt my mom will be pleased to see me, she was the reason I was there after all."

The raven haired boy smiles at me, resting a hand on my thigh.

"Of course, you can stay as long as you like. However we need to get that hand cleaned up first."

Smiling, I lean into the chair. Praying that this is the end of our nightmare.


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