Luke Hemmings x Reader

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"How long are you going to be gone again?" He asks and you smile softly, grabbing a couple dresses from the closet.

I shrug my shoulders, glancing towards him. "I think she said we'll be gone for two weeks?" I tell him and he frowns a bit. I told and place the dresses into the suitcase before leaning on the mattress. "But don't worry. I'll text you and FaceTime every chance I get."

He leans forward to press a kiss to my lips and I let out a content sigh. "I know," Luke whispers after he pulls away, "we're just gonna miss you bunches."

"I'll miss you both as well. At least I know you'll still be here when I come home," I mention and kiss his lips quickly.

"What sucks the most is that you'll be over there on our anniversary next weekend," Luke mumbles and I freeze in my tracks.

Oh shit. Goddamnit. Why didn't I pay more attention to the dates she gave me.

I run my fingers through my hair and turn to face my boyfriend of almost two years. "Fuck, you're right. Fuck. I-I gotta cancel," I panic and begin to look for my phone. Luke pushes himself off the bed, standing in front of me and blocking me from my phone.

"Hey, hey," he whispers softly and puts his hands on my arms, "it's okay. It happened last year when I was on tour. There's always next year when we'll be together on our anniversary." Luke gives me a reassuring smile and my heart flutters.

"Are you sure? I'm sure Jess will understand," I mumble and he nods his head, kissing my forehead.

"Of course. You've always wanted to go to Europe and she's been talking about this for months. Just make some time to FaceTime me," he winks while chuckling. I let out a short laugh and wrap my arms around his waist.

The two of us stood in silence, wrapped in each other's arms for a few moments before my phone vibrates against the nightstand. I turn my head towards the vibrating device, seeing Jess calling me and I pull away from the tall blonde.

I pick up my phone from the stand and answer immediately. "Hey, Jess. What's up?" I ask and squeeze my phone between my ear and shoulder.

"Hey! The girls and I just got into the car and were heading to your place. Do you want us to pick you up anything from Dunkin?" She asks me while I finish placing everything I need on this trip in my suitcase.

"Nah, I'm good for now. So you'll probably be fifteen minutes, yeah?"

"Uh, yeah. I think so. I'll text you when I'm outside. See you soon!" She excitingly speaks into the phone and I say goodbye to her before hanging up.

I slip my phone into my back pocket, zipping up my suitcase when Luke wraps his arms around my stomach. "D'you have everything?" He asks and presses light kisses to the crook of my neck.

"Mhm. Everything except you, baby," I smile sadly and turn around in his arms. He chuckles and moves some of the hair from my face.

"Don't worry about me. Have a good time. Text me when you can. FaceTime me when you're in your hotel room," he tells me and I nod.

I raise my hand up to his face, pulling it closer to mine and captures his lips into a passionate kiss. Luke lets out a small moan, his grip on my waist tightening.

"I love you. Have fun, okay?" He mumbles against my lips and I nod, smiling softly.

"I love you, too."


The four of us landed in Italy the day after we left. Jess, Kaye, Amanda, and I made it through a thirteen-hour flight that only had one stop. Grand Hotel Cavour Florence came into view as the taxi pulls up to the place, my lips parting in shock at how gorgeous it is.

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