Elena Gilbert x (fem) Reader {part 2}

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Warning: angst, drinking, hints of depression, swearing

You cried for a long time, so long that you lost track of what time it was. Finally, you hear footsteps and a familiar voice.
"Y/N?" Matt says softly. You wipe away your tears and sniffle, looking up at him. His face contorts in pain; he is your best friend and he hates it when you cry. He immediately comes over to you, embracing you in a hug. You start to sob again into his shoulder, unable to stop the tears from flowing. All those feelings you had for Elena just bubbled up and boiled over. All those feelings you tried to stuff down and ignore. Oh god why did it have to hurt so much to love her?
After a while, Matt asked you what happened to cause you to run off. "Everyone is missing your dance moves at the bonfire," he smirks at you, pulling away from the hug and sitting next to you. You smile and wipe away a tear. You can't tell him. You can't tell anyone. You've convinced yourself that if you came out to anyone, they would see you differently.
"Well, I'm not in the mood to dance anyway," you look away from him in an attempt to hide your emotions.
"You're always in the mood to dance! Especially if we get you drunk enough," you look at his smile and burst into laughter with him. Matt always knows how to make you feel better. But then his face turns serious. "Really though, what happened?" he asks, putting an arm around your shoulder. You lean your head against his chest and sigh. You really want to tell him but you're scared that he will see you differently. Matt apparently senses that you have something heavy on your heart.
"Hey, Y/N, you know you can tell me anything, right? I won't judge you. We are best friends, remember?" he gives you a reassuring smile and you take a deep breath.
"I'm gay," you state bluntly. Matt just stares at you and blinks a few times before a huge smile spreads across his face.
"I knew it!" He exclaims. You look at him, surprised.
"Wait, you knew?!?"
"Of course I knew! You're so obvious about it! I see the way you look at Elena," he smirks but you feel a knot in your stomach at the mention of her name.
"So you're okay with it? Me liking girls?" you ask, trying to get your mind off of that beautiful girl who stole your heart.
"Hell yeah I'm fine with it! You're my best friend and this doesn't change anything; I still love you the same. You're like a sister to me so you being gay doesn't change a damn thing," he smiles at you and embraces you in a hug. "I'm so proud of you. And I feel so honored that you came out to me," he says into your shoulder. When he pulls away, his face turns serious again. "Does anyone else know?" He says suddenly.
"No, not yet," you say, looking at the ground. He grabs your shoulders and looks you right in the eyes.
"Don't feel pressured to tell anyone yet; just wait until you're ready," he smiles and you can't help but smile back. You start to cry again and his face contorts in pain again. "Why are you crying?" he asks, concern obvious on his features and in his voice.
"It's just-" you start to cry again, unable to speak. After a while of him hugging you and comforting you, you finally speak. "Thank you, for accepting me. I'm so scared. I just- I think I'm in love with her. I'm in love with Elena," before you can even cry again, you hear a gasp. You turn and see Elena standing next to a tree. There are tears in her eyes. She is about to say something, but before she gets it out, you are running, deeper into the forest.
It's been 3 weeks since what happened. You haven't seen anyone from the bonfire and you've barely left your room. You only live with your aunt who is drunk most of the time so you don't have to worry about her. You've ignored all of Matt's calls and texts. Caroline and Stefan even tried to bring you a pizza one night, but you refused to acknowledge them, leaving them out in the cold, calling your name until your aunt threatened to call the cops if they didn't leave. You just sat in your bed and cried, only eating when you got hungry enough.
Currently, you are trying to sleep when your phone rings. Annoyed, you throw the phone across the room and scream. The phone just falls into a pile of dirty clothes, no damage done. You start to cry again, your phone still ringing. You wish you would've broken it. You cry until you fall asleep.
You wake up to someone leaning over you. No, make that several people. You shoot up in bed, only to realize that you aren't in bed anymore, but on your couch. You look around and see Matt, Caroline, Stefan, and... her. Elena. you immediately get off the couch and scream at everyone to leave.
"Y/N, wait!" Matt grabs your arm but you push him off.
"JUST LEAVE!" you scream, tears threatening to spill.
"WHY ARE YOU PUSHING US AWAY?" Matt screams back.
"BECAUSE I'M IN LOVE WITH ELENA AND IT FUCKING HURTS, OKAY?!?!?!" you realize what you've just said, in front of everyone, including her, and start to cry. "Please just leave," you add on quietly.
Everyone files out as you shake, tears spilling down onto your cheeks. Once you think everyone is gone, you let it all out. You cry because you feel so alone. You cry because you're in love. You cry because you're in love with a girl. You cry because you need to.
Someone gently touches your arm, causing you to jump. You look up and see Elena. You cringe away from her and tell her to leave. She only steps closer.
"I miss you," she says finally.
"Please just leave," you say quietly. Elena only steps closer. She cups your cheeks in her hands, wiping away your tears. She plants a soft kiss on your lips. You want to pull away, but find yourself melting into the kiss. When she finally pulls away, your eyes are still closed. She leans her forehead on yours and you lean back.
"I love you," she says finally. You smile; she is sober now, so you pull her into a kiss once more. This time, you pull away from the kiss.
"I love you too," 

Credit: lesbianfanfiction.com

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