Chapter 148

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The sun shone down on me and Chester basking us in its warmth. Almost in a spotlight-

            'Don't get ahead of yourself!' That voice inside my head scolded me.

            It wasn't wrong to dream though. Daydream about what could be if we tried hard enough.

            Of course, it wouldn't be much trying on my part. It was all down to Chester's genetics. But from what I could see, I thought he looked good. Like any of his prize-winning counterparts still living up North.

            "C'mon, Chesty!" I instructed tugging him along by keeping one hand under his throat and the other behind his head.

            It was the way to handle sheep. No need for a halter and lead rope especially in the showring.

            'Except you're not in a showring!' The voice pointed out.

            No, at least not at that moment. But we could be if we played our cards right.

            Chester, Sadie, and Orla were all adapting to their new surroundings quite well. They integrated themselves right into the flock...although Penny made sure to remind them who was the flock queen. All it took was a flick of her ears and a lowering of her head to show them who was boss and everyone got on right as rain.

            We kept Chester separate from everyone else though. I don't know how he did it, but Noel had the fencing up and ready to go before we even got back from Uncle Paddy's. My guess was John helped a lot because the fencing wasn't there when we left. One of Noel's many sneaky moves to pull the wool over my eyes...but at least this time it actually came with wool.

            "We'll put him in with the girls when the time comes." Noel informed me as we watched Chester sniff around his enclosure. "Which I reckon is in October if you want lambs in March." He smirked.

            I smiled back feeling my heart light up at the idea. The image of new lambs frolicking all over the pasture field in the next spring.

            It was obvious if I wanted something Noel didn't, I had to make him think it was his idea to get it in the first place. Let him warm up to it and convince himself it'd be a good thing then let him make all the arrangements to make it happen.

            "Traditionally, you're meant to get a certain gift each year for your wedding anniversary." He continued as we kept our eyes on the new sheep. "Y'ain't supposed to get wool 'til your seventh one but I don't see why we can't move it up a couple years."

            "Three years." I pointed out.

            "Right." He nodded. "Three years early but it really don't matter 'cuz traditionally on your fourth wedding anniversary, you're meant to get linen or silk. And wool's a type of linen so there yer go. But if we was in America, you'd be gettin' flowers or fruit 'cuz Americans have to be so fuckin' different than us normal people here in Great Britain. That's why they call it Great Britain, y'know. 'Cuz our idears compared to Americans' are mega great!"

            "Yep!" I shrugged my eyebrows.

            I led Chester around the pasture for a bit before stopping to let him relax. I stood beside him petting his coat while he began to graze. I watched him while he mowed his section of grass happy to see him so content in his new home.

            Just then, something caught my eye.

            It was John marching along to do whatever gardening or maintenance he had to do next.

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