Chapter 74

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I didn't move all my things into Emma and Paul's but I did take enough to get me by for a good while.

            I had no idea where Noel was when I dropped by to get my stuff. He might've gone back to the studio. The band was supposed to be heading back there now their little holiday was over.

            "Have you heard from that asshole?" Dad asked as we rode in the car to the airport. It was only me, him, Mom, and Emma. Everyone else rode in a different car including Paul who was responsible for getting the Gallagher side of the family to the train station and/or airport.

            "No. I haven't." I replied.

            By some great miracle, Noel was in and out of that dressing room without anyone having a clue he was there. One less thing for me to explain and definitely one less thing for me to have to hide.

            "Well if he tries to give you any trouble, just tell him your dad is crazy and-"

            "He'll frickin' kill him." I nodded my eyebrows. "I know, Dad."

            Emma and I bid him and Mom farewell along with the rest of our kin. There was no mention of plans for Christmas. I guess everything was still up in the air...but the door was always open in case I wanted to go back across the pond.

            We had to go to the Ignition office as soon as we left the airport. Marcus wanted to meet with us for some reason and we didn't want to make him wait.

            "Hello, ladies." He greeted us as we sat down in the chairs across from his desk.

            "Hello." We replied in unison.

            "As you know, the lads have gone back to the studio."

            "Good for the lads." Emma said flatly.

            He glanced at her before looking at both of us. "I need you two to go and check on them." He informed us.

            "And I need you to-"

            "Emma!" I cut her off before things got bad. She had no right to disrespect Marcus just because she was pissed off at everyone else.

            She rolled her eyes. "We'll go for one night." She told Marcus holding up her index finger. "And leave right after breakfast. I'm not fucking staying any longer than that!"

            "Alright." Marcus nodded. "Deal."

            "I'm not trying to be a bitch or anything." I began as we rolled down the highway. "But if you hate this job so much, then why don't you quit?"

            "I don't hate this job." Emma explained. "But the band is full of assholes!"

            "I don't know about that." I shook my head. "I mean, you don't seem to have a problem with Guigsy, Bonehead, or Alan. It seems like you save all your energy for the other two."


            "Now, Noel I can understand." I interrupted her holding up my index finger. "But Liam. Liam's your little doll baby."

            "No." She countered keeping her eyes on the road. "He's your doll baby!"

            I rolled my eyes.

            "Did you fuck him?"

            My heart skipped a beat. "No." I said quickly managing not to stammer.

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