Chapter 67

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            I figured it'd be a bit warmer when we returned to the south but I was sadly mistaken. I was glad I had my coat and my oversized sweatshirt on underneath.

Simon dropped us off at the recording studio and offered to help us carry our bags in. We told him we'd manage and bid him farewell.

I wondered what we'd walk into on our way to the door. No one had called to report on anything but then again they weren't able to. We hadn't told anyone where we were going or gave any phone numbers to reach us on. But I really didn't feel bad even though I knew there'd probably be hell to pay.

Noel and I put our bags in our room and then he led the way to the mixing desk. "Alright." He said to Owen. "Where's them playbacks?"

I watched as he sat down in the empty chair and lit a cigarette. He took his first drag as Owen pushed play.

"Where the hell have you been?" Emma asked pushing my shoulder and interrupting my focus on Liam's recorded voice.

"Away." I replied before turning back to listen to the playback.


I held my hand in the air to shut her up then pointed for her to walk away from where we were.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell anyone where you went?" She inquired once we were in the living room. "What the hell has gotten into you?"


"Tixie!" Liam exclaimed as he walked into the room with his hands in the air. "You're back!"

"I am!" I said with a nod.

"When did you-"

"Addie!" Owen's voice beckoned from the hall.

I stared at the doorway until he appeared.

"Noel wants ya to listen to the playbacks with 'im." He informed me.

I left Emma and Liam behind and went back to the mixing desk.

"Where'd you go?" Noel asked worriedly as I took the seat next to him.


"We need groceries!" Emma cut me off while she leaned against the doorway. "These heathens have eaten everything we brought in-"

"Who you callin' a fuckin' heathen?!" Liam snapped. "Certainly not-"

"Come on, Addie!" Emma ignored him and looked at me. "You can run to the store with me."

"Okay." I replied with a nod. I got up from my chair and headed towards the door.

"Addie's not goin'!" Noel proclaimed.

Emma scrunched her face in disbelief. "Excuse you?" She said to him.

He shook his head. "She's not-"

"Yes I am!" I nodded once more. "She'll need help carrying the groceries and that. Plus we don't get recognized when we're by ourselves."

"You're not goin' by yourselves! You're not goin' nowhere without a minder!"

"I'll go." Liam offered. "I'm a good minder, me. Someone tries to give you lot any trouble I'll fuckin' show 'em who's boss." He held up his hands in a boxing stance.

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