Chapter 36

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"I want a soft pretzel." I told Emma as we hung out backstage with Paul. "Where do you reckon we could find one?"

            "Not here." She replied. "We'll have to go out-"

            "And leave the gig?" Paul piped up. "I don't think that's a good-"

            "Oh come on, Paul! It'll be fine." I assured him. "You've seen one Oasis gig, you've seen 'em all!"

            It was true. Noel hated changing setlists and whether the band agreed with him or not...well it didn't really matter. Plus we were only in Germany for about three days which consisted of two gigs and one day off just to get from one venue to the other. Our schedule was tight but I still wanted to get some sightseeing in, which included finding German soft pretzels.

            We went to a pub and ordered some. They were warm and salty and just what we wanted. We got beer too. We thought about getting a boot full but held off.

            Paul made for a great minder but I couldn't help noticing the worried look in his eyes.

            "What's eating you?" I asked as we sat across the table from each other.

            "We should get back." He replied quickly. "We've missed half the set by now. They'll be wonderin' where we-"

            "Honey, please stop." Emma told him as she stroked his arm. "Everything's gonna be alright."

            When we got back to the venue, the gig was over and the whole band was chilling out backstage...along with a very familiar blonde guest.

            "Congratulations!" She beamed as she came over and gave me a hug. "Let's see it." She grabbed my hand and yanked it up so she could get a proper view of my ring. "How much he pay for it?"

            "I don't know!" I exclaimed as I jerked my hand away from her. I looked over at Noel who was too busy bullshitting with Bonehead to pay us any mind. "I wasn't even with him when he bought it."

            "Yes you were! The papers caught you-"

            "No." I shook my head. "That was after the fact. Noel sent me to the bookstore next door while he went and looked at rings."

            "Aww!" Emma chimed in with a smile. "How sweet!"


            "Leave 'er alone, Pats!" Liam barked at her. "Stop bein' a fuckin' mither!"

            I quickly looked over at Liam. He was all sweaty and clearly worn out but I suppose after another epic gig, it was to be expected.

            I also didn't know where him defending me came from. We hadn't said more than a few words to each other since the tour started back up. But I wasn't going to complain or dig for more information and just let him be.

            Patsy rolled her eyes and went to sit back down beside him on the couch. Emma, Paul, and I followed her with me taking a seat beside Noel and Emma and Paul finding a place for them to sit beside each other.

            "I'm ready for a kip." Liam said quietly as Patsy began stroking the side of his head.

            "Seriously, Our Kid? This early?" Noel questioned with a grin. "Fuckin' lightweight, you are!"

            "Quit razzing him!" I ordered as I gave him a gentle slap on his arm.

            If Liam could defend me, it was only right I returned the favor.

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