Chapter 3

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Having Liam around to entertain almost made me forget about the Halloween party...almost.

            "Wanna go to a party tonight?" I asked the morning of.

            "What kinda party?" He said.

            "A Halloween party. It doesn't have to be like a date or anything-"

            "What? You don't want it to be a date?"

            I looked at him stunned.

            His blue eyes stared right back at me with confusion swirling through them. "If it ain't a date, what's the point of us goin' then? Especially if we're goin' together."

            Couldn't argue with that.

            We went out later that day to go shopping for costumes and so Liam could see more of the city.

            "So you grew up here then?" He asked as we walked up the sidewalk.

            "No." I replied. "I moved here after college 'cuz I got a job. It's not what I'm used to but I like it. It reminds me of New York."

            He made a "pssh" sound. "I hate to burst your bubble, love, but this ain't nowhere close to New York. I mean, it's a big city and that but no. It's not cool like the Big Apple."

            "I doubt anything's as cool as the Big Apple."

            "I could take ya there if you'd like." He offered with a grin.

            I smiled back as I felt myself blushing.

            I ended up going as a hippie, with a short dress and knee-high boots. And Liam went as none other than John Lennon.

            "Don't need a costume for that." He said as we sat out on the balcony while he had a smoke. "I'm John Lennon reincarnated, me."

            I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything. I still didn't believe it. About the only thing I saw he had in common with John was the fact he was British and he could sing. Beyond that, I didn't know what else there was.

            Liam was just another face in the crowd at the party. He chatted with others and acted like he belonged there. And to me, he really did.

            We danced and grinded on each other to whatever music was playing. No Oasis or the Beatles but it was good enough to dance to.

            Liam wasted no time putting his tongue down my throat and his hands up my skirt, and I didn't mind at all. Our time was limited and I was determined to enjoy it before he left for his next destination.

            Which was France. And then probably more stops in Europe. And then...well I didn't know the details. And I really didn't care. What I did care about was how soft his lips were. And how he knew just what to do with his tongue.

            The party ended around two in the morning and when we got back to my apartment, it started to rain.

            "Just like 'ome." Liam mused as we heard it falling on the roof.

            He took his place on the couch and I retired to my bedroom. But it's not like I could sleep. I was tired of course, but my mind was too awake thinking about a boy who thought he was a modern day Beatle.

            My thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of thunder. I gasped at the initial crack of it and wondered how long it would last.

            I didn't have too long to wonder though...but it wasn't because it stopped.

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