Chapter 98

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            "Don't see why we couldn't have just done this over the phone!" Noel muttered as we continued down the road.

"Probably 'cuz they prefer you in person." I reasoned keeping my eyes looking straight through the windshield and my hands firmly on the steering wheel.

"Fuckin' bullshit!"

I scrunched my nose up a little as the smell of cigarette smoke filled the car. "Would you put that out the window please?" I glanced over to see him sat there with his arm propped up on the arm rest on the passenger door.

"It is out the window!" He argued flicking his cigarette between his fingers near the cracked open space at the top of the doorframe. "Can't help it the wind's changed direction."

I wasn't going to fight with him about it. It was his car after all plus truth be told I really wasn't too bothered by him smoking in it. I'd grown up with my parents smoking in the car so it wasn't all that foreign to me.

The holidays weren't over yet but still got interrupted. Someone called wanting to do an interview with Noel back in London so we had no choice but to return for a bit.

"Addie, we've no milk." Noel informed me digging through the fridge once we were inside Supernova Heights. "I want a brew but we've no milk."

"Here. Use this." I told him handing him the container of powdered dairy creamer off the counter. Why we had that I had no idea but I tossed the milk before we left for Christmas because it expired so the powdered stuff would have to do.

"Ew! I'm not usin' that! It tastes like shite!" He pushed it away.

I rolled my eyes. "Well then you'll just have to wait 'til you get to your interview. I'm sure they'll get you a brew there. Or a Guinness. Or whatever your little heart desires."

"A brew!" He nodded. "A proper brew just like me mam makes it. And we've no fuckin' milk to-"

"Then I'll run to the store and get some!" I offered shutting him up right away.

He went off to do his interview while I went off to Tesco. It was nice to be alone as it made shopping easier. No one paid any attention to me when Noel wasn't by my side...but I still couldn't help feeling like someone was watching me that day.

'You're just being paranoid.' I thought as I meandered down the bread aisle. 'Get a grip of yourself!'

I had time to kill before Noel got home so I was in no hurry to get back. I considered making something for dinner before we headed back to Bucks and contemplated what I could fix.

I kept my eyes on the shelves trying not to make eye contact with other people unless I was in their way. I just wanted to keep to myself like I always preferred to do anyway.

But still, I felt that presence. Someone was near me. I could see their shadow approaching me and I wasn't making it up.

"Oh for fuck's sake!" I groaned when I finally looked up and saw who it was.

She trotted over to me. "Just-"

"Don't you got people to do your shopping for you?" I raised my eyebrows at her curiously.

"Yes but that's not why I'm here." She replied.

I shrugged my eyebrows again. "Clearly not! The idea of you picking up a bag that don't say Gucci on the front of it-"

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