Chapter 19

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"What's Glastonbury?" I asked as the bus rolled on to Somerset.

            "A festival for hippies." Liam replied. "A bunch of flower wearin', pot smokin' hippies. A whole fuckin' field of 'em."

            "Sounds like my kind of place."

            He looked at me curiously. "You don't smoke pot."

            "I know." I agreed. "But I like flowers."

            The band performed that night on the Pyramid Stage.

            "Pretty big upgrade considerin' where we were last year." Noel said. He was in another surprisingly good mood but he was in his element.

            Even if it was performing for a bunch of hippies.

            Oasis weren't scheduled to play until the evening.

            "Save the best for last, yeah?" Liam said.

            "Yeah." I replied.

            We hung out on the grass with me sitting between Liam's legs. It was chilly but the sky was clear. Coats were enough to keep us comfortable as we took in the sights and sounds of the festival.

            "I'm glad you come with us." He said as he nibbled on the side of my neck. "You're a good luck charm, you are. Keep away me stage fright."

            "You don't have stage fright!" I giggled.

            "Well not now anyway! You make it all good, yeah? Keep the scary stuff away."

            I smiled as his soft lips sucked my skin. He made it hard to believe him but I liked the compliment anyway.

            The afternoon flew by and then it was time for the boys to get ready for their gig. They got started on the goodtime before they were due on stage. I made myself comfortable nearby and just watched it transpire.

When it was time, Liam led the way to the stage, bouncing around it while the others put their instruments to work. I gazed out from where I was and saw the field was covered with people for miles all cheering and screaming for the guys. It was fucking insane but fucking brilliant at the same time.

They played a mix of old stuff and new and the crowd ate it up. I, too, got taken away by it all. The sea of people. The sounds of the music. I had fallen hard for this band just like so many other people across the world.

Noel had a big smile on his face during the whole show even with Liam jumping around like a bit of a twat. I expected him to get super pissed at his little brother but maybe he was enjoying it.

After the show, we sat around a bonfire near our tents. Well most of us anyway. Liam had disappeared and told me not to wait up for him.

I tried not to worry but it was getting harder and harder each time. He'd been disappearing an awful lot in the weeks leading up to Glastonbury. He'd leave Noel's and be gone for several hours.

'He's probably just off for more drugs.' I reasoned. But even at that, Supernova Heights was full of drugs – anything and everything people could want with the exception of heroin. That was the one drug the boys in Oasis never touched. So why would he need to go out to get gear?

Maybe it was something else but what the fuck could be worse than drugs? I kept telling myself to stop thinking about it. It wasn't worth the stress.

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