Chapter 58

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            "Okay. What the hell is going on?" I asked when we sat down in our seats on the plane. It was all I could do to wait that long but for some reason it felt a lot more private than when we were sitting in the terminal.

"Nothin'." Noel assured. "Will you please just relax?" He leaned back in his seat.

He seemed way too calm and it was making me nervous.

"Why'd you quit the tour? Did you quit the band too or-"

"No one's quit nothin'!" He furrowed his eyebrows while he looked at me. "We just had enough of each other so we decided to take a break. Plus we've gotta get started on the new album-"

"New album?" I echoed. "But you're still doing stuff with this one!"

He rolled his eyes. "I just told ya we're fuckin' done with this one!" He exclaimed. "I've got the new songs ready to go and we've got the studio ready and waitin' for us. After we get back-" He stopped himself once he noticed I turned to look out the window.

We were above the clouds now. I stared at the white carpet beneath us trying to wrap my head around everything he said but I still couldn't make sense of it.

"Just promise me you're not in a fight." I said without turning to face him.

"We're not in a fight." He replied. "We just need a fuckin' break from each other."

I finally turned to look at him.

His eyes were peaceful. Maybe he wasn't stewing like I figured.

"It's like you and Emma." He compared. "Ya can't tell me you lot have never wanted away from each other before."

"Well, yeah." I agreed. "But we actually get along way better now than we ever did as kids. Everything seemed to change once I left for college."

He rolled his eyes. "Ya still can't tell me ya don't fight!"

"Not like you lot!"

He tutted and shook his head. "That's 'cuz he fuckin' pisses me off!" He screamed.

I sighed. "So you are in a fight." I surmised.

"No!" He clenched his fists. "At least's your fuckin' fault!"

My heart skipped a beat. "How the fuck is it my fault?" I felt my eyes quickly getting wet.

He shook his head once more. "What? Takin' your little holiday didn't help ya figure it out?" He asked. "Not even with all them phone calls and that? I know Maggie rang ya. Tellin' ya how neither one of us was sleepin' good and how he refused to listen to the wake up calls. I didn't like 'em either but I still got up when they called. And I still trudged through all them gigs even though I was dead tired. He was the one bein' a fuckin' baby! Bitchin' about the food and changin' the fuckin' lyrics-" He stopped himself when I reached over and began stroking his earlobe. He sighed contentedly, leaned back on his headrest, and closed his eyes. "You should've just fuckin' been there. Nothin' would've happened if you'd just..." He trailed off with another sigh.

"Next time." I told him.

He opened his eyes and looked at me. "You better!"

The location of our second honeymoon was a secret but nowhere near as big of one as the first me anyway. Noel wouldn't tell me where we were going the whole way to the airport but didn't try to block me from seeing the label once we got to the terminal. Only Paul and Emma knew where we were headed. Noel wanted privacy and I definitely did too.

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