Chapter 32

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            The break was about over which meant a return to the States was fast approaching. It wasn't like it'd be going home though. We'd be so far away...I couldn't be arsed to remember the locations. The stops in cities where screaming fans would be waiting. I couldn't even begin to gauge how many there'd be.

Supernova Heights was eerily quiet. It'd been that way pretty much every day since that fateful evening. Liam and Patsy hadn't come 'round. Hadn't called. Nothing.

But I'm sure it was just as well they didn't.

Paul and Emma were in and out doing who knows what. There was no rush for him to get back up north so he definitely made himself at home down south.

They were out one afternoon while Noel and I stayed in. We were on the couch. Noel lay down with his feet in my lap staring intently at the soccer game on TV. It wasn't Man City though. They didn't play until the band's first stop on the tour. I don't know how miffed he was about missing it but he didn't seem too upset.

He was just quiet and relaxed and it made me smile. I began rubbing his foot which made him stretch his legs across my lap a little more.

"Ow!" He exclaimed as he jerked his foot away.

"Sorry!" I quickly apologized.

"It's okay." He rubbed it himself. "Dropped a pipe on it a few years back when I was workin' for the gas company and it still hurts sometimes."

I smirked at the realization. "Is that your Blighty wound? Paul said-"

"Paul's full a shit!" He barked. "I didn't fuckin' do it on purpose!"

"I didn't say you did." I informed him. "Paul's the one who-"

"Paul is full a shite." He turned his head away shaking it. He turned back to face me a few seconds later with a smile on his face. He held up his index finger and motioned for me to come towards him.

I did so with a smile and he helped me get comfortable as I lay down beside him.

He grabbed the throw blanket off the back of the couch and covered us up with it. He snuggled in close and then kissed my forehead.

"Adds." He said softly. "I was thinkin'."

"Did it hurt?" I asked with a grin.

"Fuck off!" He chuckled. "Seriously though. I was thinkin' about the holidays and that. And what we should do for Christmas."

"Go to my house." I smiled cheerfully.

He pursed his lips in just the slightest bit of disgust. "What about a holiday, right? Just the two of us. Somewhere warm where no one's followed along to mither us."

"Couldn't we wait until after the holidays to go somewhere like that? It's not that I don't want to. I just don't want to miss Christmas again with my family."

"Right." He replied softly.

I could tell things were souring but I didn't want a fight. Not right before a tour. Especially one that may or may not have been crucial to the band's success.

So I dropped the conversation for the time being. Christmas was still a couple weeks away anyway.

The days quickly passed and before we had time to think about it, we were boarding the plane again...with an extra passenger.

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