Chapter 8

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The band got a little less than a month off before jetting back to America for the second round of US dates. One of these dates included another gig in Cleveland at a different venue than before...and it wouldn't take place until March.

            When I told my parents I wouldn't be home until then, they got quite concerned. What was I doing in England? Who was I with? What would I do about work? Was I safe? I could answer some of those questions and assured them I was fine. I was an adult and could take care of myself.

            Four out of five members of the band returned to Manchester for the break. Bet you can't guess which one didn't. He gave up life in his hometown in favor of getting his kicks down south. And he didn't think twice about it.

            We hadn't spoken since Brighton. Kept our distance like before with him occasionally giving me those infamous death stares when he knew Liam was too distracted to notice. I tried not to let it bother me. I was having too much fun with the others to give much of a shit anyway.

            Liam had his own place in Manchester city centre. It was a one bedroom flat that had a lovely view of the fish and chip shop across the street.

            "When we move to London, we'll get a better view." He said as we stared out the window at the neon sign that signaled the place was open for business.

            "We?" I questioned curiously.

            "Yeah." He nodded. "Who else am I gonna move down there with? I certainly can't go alone."

            "Well I appreciate you thinking of me but I can't move to London with you."

            "What d'ya mean you can't?"

            "My whole life is in Cleveland." I said. "My apartment. My job-"

            "Ya can have all that in London!" He argued. "I'll find us a flat. A fuckin' mega cool gaff for just you and me. And we'll give it a name. Summat good like Kenwood or somethin'. And ya won't need to worry about findin' a job 'cuz I'll take care of you."


            "You're my missus, right?"

            I looked at him puzzled. "I dunno, am I?" I asked.

            "Course ya are!" He smiled. "Why would ya even question it?"

            I suppose the answer to that question kind of went without saying.

            We dropped the conversation after that. I really didn't see the purpose of labeling our relationship anyway. I was just the chick that was squatting at Liam's. I was sure I wasn't the first and I knew I definitely wouldn't be the last.

            Snow came just as 1994 was ending. I gazed out the window on New Year's Eve Day at the falling snowflakes. A nice dusting covered the ground outside and it made for a nice scene in the last few hours of the year.

            Liam lay in bed that afternoon resting up for the evening. We were planning to go to the New Year's Eve party at Bonehead's that night. The whole band (minus Noel) was going to be there with their significant others as well as the boys' friends in Manchester.

            I decided to go check on him and found him lying on top of the duvet in nothing but a pair of boxers. I went over, sat down beside him, and began rubbing his stomach. After a bit, I switched to running my index finger along his stomach just under his belly button. When I added in running my finger down the topside of his dick through his boxers, I made him sigh a little.

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