Chapter 82

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            The Florida sunshine beamed down on us as we stepped into Magic Kingdom. We flowed in with the rest of the crowd making our way straight towards the Castle.

"We need to take our picture in front of it." I informed Liam and Noel. "One during the daytime and one at night."

They both stared at me silently with flattened lips. Their eyes probably rolled hidden behind their Ray Bans.


Noel tutted and shrugged his eyebrows above his sunglasses. "Alright but...d'ya think we should get a little closer? Go down this road a bit or summat." He nodded in the direction.

We walked on heading straight down Main Street, USA with the shops flanking us on either side. We gazed in through all the windows but decided to check the stores out later in the day. We all agreed this was the best choice...until something caught Liam's eye.

"Our Emma would like this." He said pointing at the Cheshire Cat treat in the window. "Is it a cake?"

"No." I replied shaking my head. "It's a candy apple."

The stick protruded from it melded into the pink and purple coating. Was it a Gala? Granny Smith? The only way to tell would be to bite through the Cat's smile and find out.

There were other candy apples designed to look like all sorts of Disney characters. There were other treats too of course that made Liam gawk and lick his lips.

"You're a bottomless pit, you!" Noel jibed.

"I'm on holiday!" Liam defended. "And we don't have any sweets like this at home." He pointed at the confections once again. "Our Tixie don't make 'em-"

"Well I could!" I argued. "They'd be perfect for Halloween-"

"They'd be perfect for now!" Liam charged towards the entrance.

"Hang on!" I grabbed his arm and stopped him.

He looked at me curiously.

"You had a pretty big breakfast. Do you really think it's a good idea to eat one of those now?"

He glanced back at the window for a second then pursed his lips at me. "Emma's not gonna like ya comin' here and not buyin' 'er a present." He told me. "You're not bein' a very good sister!"

"Stop it, ya prick!" Noel barked pushing him forward. "Our Addie's right. You eat all that junk and chunder all over Walt Disney's life work, he'll kick your arse right out the door! Let's go!" He stepped to move us on.

We headed up the street and stopped in the perfect spot in front of the Castle.

"Make it quick, Adds!" Noel instructed as I dug in my purse for my camera.

I got it out as fast as I could and put it in position. At least, I tried to anyway.

"Fuck's sake!" Noel rolled his eyes. "See? This is why I don't like havin' me picture taken! All this fuckin' about-"

"Would you guys like me to take your picture?" A cast member asked with a smile as she walked up towards us. "You look like you're struggling!"

"We are, yeah." Liam agreed. "Our photographer, here, is on holiday so she's only good for holiday pictures. Not these promotional ones-"

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