Chapter 53

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            I'd never ridden in a helicopter before but I always wanted to. I got to sit in one once when I was in the fifth grade. One of my teachers was in the military and every spring he flew a helicopter in for all the kids to see. Only the fifth graders were allowed to get in it though so it was quite the thing to look forward to when you finally reached that age.

Of course, the helicopter never left the ground. And we were cycled through so quick so everyone could have a chance to sit in it, there really wasn't much time to enjoy it. Still, it was a fun experience and I'll always cherish the memory.

Just like the memory of my first helicopter ride.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed softly while I gazed out the window.

More grass. More trees.

And definitely more people.

Oasis' performances at Knebworth were being touted as their biggest gigs ever as well as the biggest gigs for any artist in all of the UK.

I thought about how far they'd come in such a short time. Every step was a big deal. The show at Sheffield Arena. The two nights at Earls Court. Maine Road. And so on.

And then I remembered that fateful night in Cleveland.

The little hole-in-the-wall club with cheap tickets but expensive drinks. Small enough you could jump on the stage and the band would probably enjoy it too much to stop you.

I had no idea that night would take me where I was. That a quickie with some blue eyed, British rock star would go anywhere but down the dingy toilet we stood next to.

"Holy fucking shit!"

Everyone else was quiet too. We all had our eyes glued to the goings on down below, too shocked to comment.

I was surprised Emma stayed quiet. She hated flying and I couldn't imagine she hated it any less then.

I glanced over at her. She gripped Paul's hand until her knuckles turned white as they both stared out the window.

He didn't flinch. Didn't look uncomfortable. The view obviously had a hold of all his attention.

We finally landed somewhere back behind the stage. Dressing room tents were set up waiting for us but we'd spend the night on the bus.

I felt like I was in a daze with all the excitement. I couldn't gather my thoughts to figure out what to do first. Marcus hadn't given me or Emma any assignments but I really didn't like having nothing to do.

I felt like I should follow Noel and the others around. Fuck knows there'd be interviews and I always liked to stand by and watch how they went.

There were several opening acts, including Heavy Stereo. I hadn't talked to Colin since Loch Lomond which felt a lot longer than it actually had been.

The sun was out and people were already screaming. Buzzing for the show they were lucky enough to attend...and it hadn't even started yet.

"Addie!" I heard the familiar voice call from behind me.

I sighed in relief and smiled when I turned around to see him doing the same to me. I felt so alone even though there was a ton of people around. Emma and Paul and Noel and everyone else had all disappeared whether they'd been called away or just felt like fucking off for a bit. And I felt like a very small fish.

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