Chapter 24

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            London. The city everyone's heard about. The cock of the South?

Regardless, I was there. Convinced by a certain someone I should go because there was no reason for me not to. The whole band had gone down to await the start of the tour and the official release of the album.

The Oasis hype coursed through the whole United Kingdom. People constantly hung around the front gate of Supernova Heights to try and get a peek inside or a glimpse of Noel, me, and whoever else milling about the property.

"You're not goin' out by yourself!" Noel said one afternoon.

"Watch me." I replied as I headed towards the door.

Cameras flashed and people started screaming as soon as my foot touched the first front step. I was surprised they even knew my name.

They didn't chase after me though as they were too focused on waiting to see if Noel would come out.

'Good luck with that.' I thought as I walked down the street. He had no plans to leave the house that day and he certainly wasn't bothered to even come out to greet his fans.

I window shopped as I went down different sidewalks. I wasn't going to buy anything. I just wanted to get out and get some fresh air. The house could be so stagnant sometimes, especially when Noel smoked inside.

My journey eventually led me to a newsstand filled with tons of magazines and newspapers with Liam and Noel's faces on the cover. They all started to run together...until a quote by one of them caught my eye.

"I hope the pair of them catch AIDS and die because I fucking hate them two."

The rivalry had been going on for a few months by then. Long before the singles were even released. The piss takes from both sides were highly expected but this...this took it way too far.

"YOU FUCKING DICK!" I yelled at him as he sat on the couch with his guitar scaring him out of his well-focused solo jam session.

"Jesus Christ!" He exclaimed. "What the fuck are ya-"

"You are the biggest asshole I have ever met! I can't believe how heartless you can-"

"Stop fuckin' yellin' at me!" He got up and came towards me. "You'll not talk to me like-"

The magazine shut him up as soon as it hit his face.

"What the fuck?!"

"You've taken it too fucking far!" I told him. "You're sick!"

"Addie." He said. "What are you-"

"Do you think AIDS is a joke? Do you not realize how serious-"

"Oh for fuck's sake!" He cut me off. "Is that what you're pissed about? It's just a quote, Adds."

"No it isn't!" I argued. "It's disgusting! You don't say something like that as a joke."

He shook his head. "It weren't a joke. I seriously fucking hate Blur. We all do."

"Well I don't. In fact, I happen to like 'Country House'."

"Fuck off!" He barked.

"That's what this is about, isn't it?" I continued. "You're pissed 'cuz they beat you. You guys were so fucking sure you'd come out on top but you didn't. The people have spoken, Noel. Oasis sucks."

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