Chapter 62

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            The air was crisp and chilly inside the house. I cuddled more into Noel and he did the same to me.

He shuddered as he squeezed me tighter and buried his face in the side of my neck. A few seconds later, he sighed and stretched awake. "What's all this?" He asked tugging at the sleeve of the sweater. "You're cheatin'!"

"I was cold!" I exclaimed.

"I thought we agreed no clothes in bed?" Then he grinned. "I should have you arrested."

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. "For what?"

"For nickin' my fuckin' shirt!" He yelled. He pointed at my stomach. "And we've a witness to the crime-"

"I did it for him!" I replied. I put my hands on my stomach and smiled to myself. "He was cold, too."

Noel chuckled. "Our Michael couldn't ask for a better mam." He leaned over and kissed my cheek.

I giggled and squeezed my stomach a little.

Noel rolled over on his stomach and disappeared under the blankets.

I giggled even louder as he crawled between my legs then stuck his head under my/his sweater.

"No clothes on under here!" He remarked. "Guess that means you've only half cheated then."

"Guess so." I agreed.

He tongued his way up from my belly to my chest making me moan the entire time. I tried to hold it back but he was just too strong for me.

He came back out from under the blankets and showed me those clear, blue eyes. He smirked at me then leaned forward and kissed me.

"Don't forget about the party tonight." I said while I stroked his cheek.

He furrowed his eyebrows curiously. "What party?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "The Halloween party."

He shrugged his eyebrows in acknowledgement. "At whose gaff?"

"Our gaff!" I exclaimed throwing my head back. "I've got your mask all ready to go."

"I'm not wearin' a fuckin' mask!" He argued shaking his head. "I'd rather we just-"

"No." I shook my head just like him. "We've already-"

"Why can't we just have a quiet night in? Just the two of us. Three of us, really. In this bed." He pointed down at the pillows. "Without a bunch of fuckwits arsein' about in costumes."

I knew he wouldn't be a fan of a costume party which is why Emma and I decided a masquerade would be better. Each couple was expected to wear matching masks with lots of feathers and colors and glitter.

"Because we already sent out the invitations." I told him.

He rolled his eyes.

I reached up and began stroking his left earlobe.

He closed his eyes and raised his eyebrows a little. It was one of his spots – just like Liam's left bottom jaw.

He sighed quietly as he lay his head down on my chest.

"We should probably get up and get ready." I mused while I continued to rub his earlobe.

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