Chapter 50

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I was headed towards the living room when I heard the letterbox squeak open. I turned to see a stack of mail get pushed through it and fall on the rug on the floor. I quickly went over, picked up the envelopes, and rifled through them on my way to the couch.

            They were mostly for Noel who was in the shower at that time. I set them all aside on the coffee table for him to look at later after he was finished.

            One envelope, however, stuck out like a sore thumb. It was just a plain white envelope. Nothing special except for who it was addressed to.

Addie and Emma Miller

8 Steeles Road



            "We got something in the mail." I informed my sister over the phone. "It's addressed to the both of us."

            "Who's it from?" She asked curiously.

            "Don't know. There's no return address. But it's got an English stamp and stuff so it must be from somewhere local. Do you want me to open it?"

            "No. I'm coming over."

            Noel was out of the shower by the time I hung up with her. He sat with me in the living room patiently awaiting her arrival.

            "Alright. Where is it?" She asked as she walked in to join us.

            I handed it to her and let her open it.

            "It looks like tickets." Noel commented as she held up what was inside the envelope.

            "That's 'cuz they are tickets." Emma replied. "To T in the Park...on Saturday? Oh man!"

            "What's wrong with Saturday?" I questioned.

            "Pulp doesn't play 'til Sunday!"

            Noel furrowed his eyebrows in shock. "Since when d'you like Pulp?"

            "I've always liked Pulp." She said. She reached back into the envelope and pulled out a folded piece of paper. Looking through the back of it, you could tell it was a flyer advertising all the bands who were on the lineup. "Let's see who's on Saturday."

            "Beck." I remembered out loud. He and Noel were sort of acquaintances and Noel was set to do a remix for one of his coming singles in the next few months.

            "What's that written on the back?" Noel asked pointing at the paper.

            Emma flipped it over and read it to us.

            "'Hope to see you lot on the thirteenth. G.'" She scrunched her eyebrows in thought. "Who's 'G.'?"

            I shook my head as I thought about it. Then the lightbulb came on. "Gem!" I said pointing my finger. "I remember he said at Noel's birthday they were doing a gig there."

            "Right." Emma agreed. She looked at Noel. "How come you guys aren't doing T in the Park?"

            He shrugged. "Couldn't be arsed." He replied flatly. "With Loch Lomond and Knebworth comin' up, we could use a break. Plus now Radiohead won't have to worry about bein' in our shadows. How many tickets did ya get?"

            "Just two."

            He shook his head. "No matter. It won't be hard to get my own."

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