Chapter 89

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            The house was silent with Noel away in Paris. I could've gone and stayed with Emma and Paul but decided not to. Home was where I wanted to be and my sister and future brother-in-law were just a phone call away if I decided to change that.

Time flew by a lot faster than I expected. Maybe a lot faster than I wanted. I did my makeup and straightened my hair and before I knew it, Simon was at the door to pick me up. Noel didn't want me taking a cab or making any sort of travel arrangements for myself so he left Simon at my disposal for the time being.

I gazed out the window as we pulled up to the curb. It always amazed me there wasn't a red carpet at the clubs. Surely the celebrities couldn't walk in on plain old concrete. I mean, that just seemed too...common.

Regardless, they filed in on that hard gray cement, their heels clicking against it as they made their way. I was right behind them in flats. With all the running around I'd be doing that evening I figured it was a good idea to wear comfortable shoes.

I bought a new camera for the occasion. Meg and Fran offered to buy me one but I declined their offer. I needed it to be mine and not a gift or something on loan. And definitely not something I'd have hanging over my head.

The local camera shop hooked me up. They developed film for me a few times when I wanted different prints than what the one-hour developments at the grocery store could offer. My new camera had a great big professional lens on it but could easily compact to fit inside a not too big carrying case. I took it home and goofed around with it in the backyard taking a few practice shots to gear up for 2Active's party.

The club was packed with all the people you'd expect. Actors, actresses, musicians, and a few television presenters who hosted various things for the BBC. They were all dressed to the nines with the girls' tits popping out of their clothes and the guys' eyes trying to get a peek.

I scanned the room gazing around at all the sights and sounds. Pulp blasted through the speakers and I wished Emma was there to sing along since I wasn't too bothered to learn the lyrics.

"There you are!" Someone exclaimed making me turn around.

I nodded slightly. "Alright, Fran?" I replied keeping myself calm.

She rolled her eyes. "You're late! All the guests have arrived and you were supposed to take their pictures on their way in-"

"No I wasn't." I shook my head. "There was nothing on the list about that." I pulled out the piece of paper to show her.

She shook her head and looked down at her clipboard. "Look. We haven't got time to dick around. I want pictures of the drinking and dancing and everything that shows this party is the place to be. Everyone wants an in. Don't fuck around to try and change that!"

I shrugged my eyebrows. "Yes, ma'am." I told her.

She squinted her eyes at me scowling. "What on earth are you wearing?" She inquired assessing my outfit from head to toe.

"I'm channeling my inner Pattie Boyd." I replied fanning my arms out to show her better. "Or outer depending how look at it."

I was wearing a black sweater dress with my sleeves rolled up to three-quarter length. I completed my outfit with black ballet flats and a black beret.

She snorted. "What? You think you're gonna be a model now? I hate to burst your bubble, darling, but your chest is way too flat. I'd say get some work done and then get on it but...they can't do anything to make you taller." She smirked a little.

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