Chapter 144

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            The phone seemed to ring a lot more at Peggy's than it ever did any other time we'd been there. It always surprised me that it didn't especially when the public got word the boys had gone 'round hers for a visit.

            But it wasn't fans or prank callers ringing like one would figure it'd be. It was Marcus or Lawyer John, but mostly Marcus.

            "How the fuck can she keep refusin' to take it when there's a fuckin' court order?" Noel spit through the receiver. "Right, well I don't appreciate ya ringin' and mitherin' me while I'm on holiday and I don't appreciate ya...this is upsettin' our Addie, y'know, to no fuckin' end. And she watches that Maury Povich and Trisha Goddard enough to know how this fuckin' shite works so- you what? The fuck does she need a fuckin' housekeeper for? I ain't fuckin' payin' for that! Our Addie don't even got one 'cuz she can fuckin' handle it herself but- the fuck d'ya mean she's already got one?! Who the fuck- well, then there ya go! She don't fuckin' need me! She can go off and get a proper job and look after 'er own- fuckin' party girls!"

            I stayed the fuck out of it even though I had so much I wanted to fuckin' say. I was surprised it'd be handled in front of me so directly albeit very indirectly at the same time.

            Noel wouldn't talk about it with me and I didn't press him for any information. It was obvious he was trying not to get me involved and left it to Marcus and John to make it go away.

            I imagined Liam did the same thing with Lisa Moorish – although there wasn't much imagining. I seen the documents, the receipts, everything Emma had somehow got her hands on and shown to me.

            Patsy still didn't know. That, or she just played up like she didn't. I don't think it was acting though. I really don't think she had a clue. That little girl was about to be two already but as far as anyone was concerned, she didn't exist.

            Our family holiday in Manchester continued with no plans to leave the city until the day Liam was to appear on The Big Breakfast. Then a couple days after that, the band would be playing on a special episode of Later...with Jools Holland.

            But Liam, Noel, and Paul were in no hurry to get down south. They were happiest in the north and didn't want to leave it or their mother.

            And there were still plenty of things to keep them entertained in their hometown.

            "Addie, you're goin' to the fight with me aren't ya?" Noel said late one morning.

            "What fight?" I asked puzzled.

            "The Mike Tyson fight. We made the arrangements ages ago."

            "Not really interested in watching people bash each other's brains in."

            "You what?"

            "I said-"

            "Fine!" He cut me crossing his arms over his chest. "If you won't go with me, then I'll take me mates instead."

            "That's fine." I replied with an agreeable shrug. "They'll probably get much more outta it than I ever will."

            His eyes widened in shock. "Yeah, but...don't ya wanna do stuff with me?"

            "Yeah, but not-"

            "Why fuckin' not?!"

            "'Cuz I just said-"

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