Chapter 134

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Five-thirty always seemed like the best time for everyone. It used to be earlier at about lunchtime but it got later as years progressed. Not too late though. Pap never liked eating dinner much later than six o'clock.

"Wonder if we're gonna ride together or drive separate?" I mused as I finished getting ready.

Ronnie, Mark, and their parents (my aunt and uncle) always seemed to feel the need to drive separate. They'd usually arrive at Mam and Pap's in at least three different vehicles and I never understood why...but I wasn't bothered to ask either.

"I reckon we should drive separate." Noel suggested. "That way we can come and go as we please."

I flattened my lips. "Says the guy who doesn't even drive!"

"Yeah but you do so then we can-"

"I ain't Simon! You ain't gonna tell me where to-"

"I wasn't gonna!" He assured me. "I don't wanna take ya away from your family but at the end of the day, if I'm given options I'm gonna pick stayin' in the nest over socializin'. I don't think I were given social skills to be honest. I'm no good at sittin' 'round a dinner table with people discussin' the news and that which is exactly what goes on up your grandparents'. I'd much prefer hidin' out here alone with you watchin' the telly and relaxin' and-"

"Then stay here by yourself." I told him. "I ain't gonna drag your ass out-"

"Well when ya put it like that it sounds bloody painful!" He cringed.

"You certainly act like it is!"

"It's not an act! It really is painful for me! I've just told you I've not got the skills for interactin' with people. The drugs helped me with that. Made me wanna go out but now I don't take drugs anymore I'm much more keen to just stay in and not be arsed."

"You've never been arsed, drugs or not." I quipped.

He shook his head. "You didn't know me before drugs. You've only known me during and after." He pointed out.

I sighed. "I'm not gonna argue about this, Noel. You come up with every excuse you can to get outta stuff you don't wanna do. If you're not arsed you're not arsed and I'm not gonna force you into something just to give you leverage to bitch about it."

"I'm not bitchin'! I said I'd go!"

"Yeah and then once you get there you'll start bitching about why the fuck I made you go there and why the fuck I wouldn't let you stay h-"

"No, I won't! I promise I won't!" He exclaimed. "I just...I feel a bit uncomfortable around your family to be honest. You lot get way too close to each other and talk about stuff that's meant to be-"

"Here we go!" I muttered rolling my eyes.

"Oi!" He furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance. "We come from different worlds, you and me. I like keepin' things to me self 'cuz it's nobody's fuckin' business but mine while you like to tell your whole soddin' story to anyone who'll fuckin' listen to it and-"

"If you can't go to your family for advice then who can you go to?"

"Your husband."

"What if I need advice about my husband?" I asked.

His eyes widened in shock. "You what?"

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