Chapter 103

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            Oasis had a gig in Hong Kong and then about two days to explore the city before we shipped out to Australia. Noel and I made the most of our brief holiday enjoying the sights and sounds and it was nice for another mini vacation.

But it was over as soon as it began and before I knew it, we were all hanging out in the airport waiting for our flight to board.

Noel went with Paul for a cigarette leaving me alone at a table in the Cathay Pacific lounge. I wasn't sure where the rest of the band and crew were. Some were probably out for cigarettes as well while others were probably at the bar or calling their families. I pondered their whereabouts for a few seconds before focusing on my bagel and newspaper.

I glanced up from the article I was reading and saw Emma just a few feet away. She looked sort of lost but I suppose she always did when Paul wasn't around. She always treated her boyfriends like security blankets and was quite needy when she was on her jack.

I got up from my table and went over to hers. "Mind if I sit down?" I asked.

"Are you allowed?" She replied raising her eyebrows in curious sarcasm.

"Don't know. That's why I'm asking."

"Don't know. You better ask your husband!" She held her mouth open to mockingly slur her words.

I rolled my eyes and then took the seat across from her.

"He's gonna be pissed when he finds you sitting here." She told me before taking a sip of her iced coffee. "You know 'cuz you belong to h-"

"He does not own me!" I snapped. "And he doesn't control me either! Why can't anybody understand that?"

She clicked her tongue.

"You want this?" I held out my uneaten half of my bagel to her. Truth be told, I really didn't want to share. But I did want to make a peace offering and if she did accept it I could always go and get another one.

"No thanks." She shook her head.

We stayed quiet for about a minute before I broke the silence.

"So how was your Christmas?" I inquired. It felt so formal and awkward but since we hadn't talked in so long I didn't know where else to start.

She pursed her lips at me. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" She exclaimed. "You skip out on your family's Christmas because your asshole of a husband makes y-"

"EE-ARR!" A familiar voice yelled from across the lounge. "EMMA! TIXIE!"

"What the hell is he doing?" Emma wondered as we watched him swagger over to us.

He nodded at us when he was finally at the table. "Alright, girls?" He sat down.

"Alright." We replied in unison.

But Emma was quick to speak on her own afterwards. "Liam. What the hell are y-"

"What's there to drink 'round here, eh?" He cut her off reading over the menu. "I'm proper thirsty, me. I need a fuckin' drink!"

A couple minutes passed while we all read over the menus. I wasn't going to get anything alcoholic to drink and knew I'd be alone at our table.

"I'll have a tequila sunrise, please." Emma told the waiter.

"Sounds good." He replied writing her order down on his notepad. He looked over at Liam. "And for you, sir?"

Madferit: The NovelOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora