Chapter 86

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            Emma and Paul's flat was quiet like usual and I found it pretty easy to settle in. Still, there was some tension but I did my best to ignore it.

Paul's eyes flickered with that gentle nervousness that always appeared when shit hit the fan. I wanted to ask him what was up even though I already knew the answer...but part of me wondered if there was still something I didn't know.

Noel hadn't reached out since he left that fateful Sunday and disappeared way more easily than I expected. His face didn't grace the front pages of any tabloids so maybe Buckinghamshire truly was the best place to hide out.

The band was off to America the second week of June to kick off the album and coming tour. The album wouldn't be released until August and the tour wouldn't start until September so their little trip to California was nothing more than a preview. It amazed me they'd pick the US instead of the UK but U2 invited them on as an opening act in the States and I guess they couldn't say no to the one and only Bono.

Marcus told me and Emma we weren't allowed going with them. He claimed it was because these gigs were meant to be strictly business but we knew the truth. We brought a shit storm everywhere we went and I couldn't blame him for not wanting to take a chance especially when the band was on such thin ice with impressing American audiences.

It was nice he tried to be polite to us though.

Patsy was off filming something so she was exempt from Marcus' decree. She did her own thing most of the time anyway and I was finding it harder to call her Yoko as time went on. If anything, the tables had turned and the Yoko of Oasis was...well I doubt I really have to say it.

Emma and I weren't invited to see the boys off so we just had to trust they got on the plane alright. But with the tour managers (minus Marcus) and the minders I'm sure they were just fine.

We sat in the living room chilling out and debating whether or not to go shopping in a bit. Emma listed off the places she wanted to go look for a new shirt when Paul walked in the room.

"Where are you going?" She asked curiously staring at the suitcase in his hand.

"That KROQ Festival the lads-"


"Relax, Emma! Seriously!" Paul held his hands up to keep her back. "The lads invited me-"

"Well you're not fucking going!" She snapped.

He shook his head. "I really don't think ya have a say in the matter!" He replied.

"Well then you won't have a fucking fiancée when you get back!" She took off her engagement ring and threw it at him.

"Ugh!" He winced a little when it hit him in the face before bouncing off and landing on the floor. He tutted shaking his head once more. "Noel's right! Ya both can have each other!" He shouted at us. "Sulk about and be miserable-"

"FUCK YOU!" She yelled through tears.

He didn't respond and just turned and walked away, slamming the front door behind him on the way out.

"Fucking asshole!" Emma cried before taking off for the hall.

"Emma!" I called after her but she waved me to just stay away.

I sighed and went back to the living room. I had no tears to cry but my head still spun trying to make sense of what just happened.

Emma and I were up early the next morning. Neither one of us slept well and didn't have appetites either but still figured we should try to eat. Emma put the waffle iron on while I fried up sausage on the stove.

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