Chapter 33

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            It was really weird to see. No snow. No cold. Just sunshine everywhere we went.

California was no place for me. I couldn't picture myself living there no matter how hard I tried. I agreed with Noel when he said it was a wank. The East Coast...well Ohio wasn't on the coast but still. It was home.

And I was missing it like crazy.

"You're not missing Christmas again this year." Emma warned me as we hung out backstage watching the boys gear up for the night's gig.

"I know I'm not." I replied. "And neither are you."

She nodded. "Paul says he'll go. Mom's excited to meet him. Did you ask Noel if he's going too?"


"What?" She perked up curiously. "Does he not wanna go or?"

"I don't know." I sighed. "I haven't asked him-"

"What do you mean you haven't asked him?! Christmas is like next week. How the-"

"If he doesn't wanna go, he doesn't have to. But I'm going regardless. He's more interested in going somewhere on vacation-"

"Then go for New Year's!" She exclaimed. "You can't miss Christmas!"

"I know!" I yelled back.

She smiled as she rolled her eyes and I giggled.

I turned to face forward and caught a glimpse of Noel in his element. He stood there jamming out some tune. Not one from the album but clearly something to warm up his guitar with.

I zoned out watching him. He was so beautiful. So perfect. He belonged on that stage.

And he definitely belonged with me.

"Shit!" Emma said quietly.

I broke from my trance and turned to her. "What?"

She just stared out in front of her and then I realized what it was.

"Fuck!" I muttered.

She sauntered in and looked about half lost. But she was trying damn hard not to show it. She saw us about two seconds later and came right over.

"Hi." She said quickly.

"Hi." Emma and I said together just as fast.

She turned to the stage and her mouth fell open just a bit. "Where's Liam?"

"Who knows." Emma replied. "He never comes to sound check-"

"What d'you mean he never comes to sound check?"

"That he never comes to sound check." I clarified. "He thinks they're pointless. Plus he says he'll save his voice if he doesn't go."

"Which is really just his excuse to go out and get stoned." Emma spoke again.

She rolled her eyes. "So, Emma. Tell me." She began. "Is it hard to find Paul's dick? I just figured with his stomach hanging over and all th-"

"What the fuck is your problem?!" I barked. "Who the fuck do you think you-"

"OI!" A familiar voice called. "What the fuck's goin' on 'ere?!"

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