Chapter 65

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            It was weird to see the house so empty but I liked it. Noel of course said otherwise, insisting I go stay with Emma and Paul, but I still ended up getting my way.

I had no desire to go anywhere and just chilled in the living room writing things down in Michael's notebook. It was nice to have the time to think about him on my own without Noel giving his two cents on every one of my ideas.

I took a break from writing and went upstairs to the bedroom. "What the heck?" I said to myself when I saw the gift bag sitting on the bed. I went over and examined it. There was a card with it that had my name on it. I shrugged and promptly opened the envelope.


Just a few belated birthday presents. Or early Christmas presents. Whichever you prefer. I'm missing you already.



I set the card down and looked in the bag. He had layered the tissue paper to separate everything out.

The first present was a bottle of cocoa butter lotion. The doctor recommended it for stretchmarks which I still hadn't gotten but I knew they were on their way.

The next presents were a few bath bombs from Lush – the kind recommended for pregnant women. I really liked that store and Noel of course was quick to pick up on what I liked.

Really wish I could be there to share these with you.

Hearing his voice inside my head while I read the note was quick to make me chuckle.

The final gift was a CD. A single. I already had the full album so I didn't understand why he'd get me the single.

Because I fucking miss you! Both of you.

I put the CD in the stereo and clutched my stomach a little when the music finally began. And when the singing started after that, I couldn't help swaying along while I looked down at my belly.

When your heart is black and broken

And you need a helping hand

When you're so much in love

You don't know just how much you can stand

When your questions go unanswered

And the silence is killing you

Take my hand baby I'm your man

I got love big enough for two

Ten story love song

I built this thing for you

Who can take you higher

Than twin peak mountain blue

Oh well I've built this thing for you

And I love you true

"If you don't come out a Stone Roses' fan, I'll be shocked." I said looking down at my stomach.

Time flew by so quickly I didn't even notice the sun had gone down until I looked out the windows and saw the black. I was settled in the living room again and planned to stay there for a while...until the phone rang.

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