Chapter 4

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            "You are going with him, right?" Kelly asked me as we sat in my room while Liam was in the shower.

"I don't know." I replied.

"C'mon, Addie! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. To go to Europe with some hot British guy. You'd be stupid not to."

"Oi, Tix!" Liam called as he came to down the hall to my room. "Where's my. Oh alright, Kells." He said as he stood in the doorway wearing nothing but a bath towel wrapped around his waist.

"Hi." She said with a bit of a chuckle.

"Tixie." He turned to me. "Where's me clothes? Me boxers and all that. I've lost my bag."

"It's right there." I said as I pointed to it on the floor. "Where you left it."

"Oh right." He said as he went over and picked it up. "I'm always losin' stuff, me. Cheers, love!" He took off back to the bathroom.

Kelly and I chuckled together after he left.

"Aww! He called you 'Love'." She remarked. "That's so sweet!"

"I'm sure he calls everyone Love." I replied. "Isn't that a term of endearment in England?"

"Yeah I guess so. What about Tix? Is that a British thing too?"

"No I think that's a Liam thing." I couldn't believe he still called me that but I kind of liked it.

"Like leaving his bag in your room?" She said. "You know he did that on purpose. I'm sure he just wanted an excuse to come in here and see if we were talking about him."

"Yeah I know." I agreed.

November third came faster than I wanted it to, of course, and Liam was packing his things to ship out.

"You're comin' with me, right?" He asked as he threw some clothes in his bag. "You have to. To see Paris and Berlin. Not to mention Man-"

"I wish I could but I can't." I replied.

"Yes you can! Marcus already booked your ticket. You have to come. You've no choice!"

"What? Are you gonna kidnap me or something?"

He smiled. "I could." He said. "Fuck knows it wouldn't be that hard. You'd let me. You know you will."

And I did.

A car picked us up and took us to Hopkins Airport and we were bound for Paris. I'd never been to Europe. The only international travel I'd done was to Niagara Falls when I was a kid. A friend in college convinced me to get my passport "just in case". Guess now was a pretty good case.

By the time our flight left Cleveland and landed in Paris, we were only hours away from the band's gig. Liam and I were greeted by Marcus at the airport who took us straight to the venue so Liam wouldn't be late for sound check.

"Our Noel'll get well fucked off at me if I'm late." He informed me as we drove through the city streets.

I was starting to get a little nervous about meeting the band, especially Noel. I figured my standing nearby while that chick gave him drug-free cookies didn't really count as a first meeting.

Liam said the other guys in the band were all "top blokes". Good friends of his since he was a teenager. Even Noel was painted in a good light although Liam said he could be quite the "whingey" bastard...and a fuckin' control freak.

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