Chapter 80

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The album was finally finished on April second. I hoped that would make Noel's worrying decrease a bit...but I knew I had a better chance of attending a Beatles' concert.

            Noel had different things to worry about now. He'd been elected Liam's best man because he had the bigger eyebrows. At least, that's what Paul told Bob Mills anyway.

            Truth be told he and Paul would both do good as Liam's best man. Both were inherently reliable regardless of what they truly thought about their kid brother's impending nuptials. But Noel's ability to micromanage was probably what ultimately scored him the job. He wasn't called "The Chief" for nothing...and Paul would definitely be right behind him for support.

            The wedding was less than a week away now. The plans were the same as they were for the previously planned date – the ceremony would take place at the Westminster Registry Office followed by the reception being held at the hotel Liam and Patsy booked a couple nights' stay.

            "Hello." Noel said into the phone. "I was wonderin' if ya could tell me a bit about your weekend packages."

            He sat on the couch in the living room with a pen and paper jotting down the information provided over the phone. He made several calls getting more and more frustrated with each one.

            "Fuck it! I can't be arsed for this..." He trailed off clicking his tongue as he threw his pen and phone down on the coffee table. He got up off the couch, grabbed his acoustic guitar, and brought it back with him to sit down. He began strumming out the familiar chords and humming the familiar words to "Rock 'n' Roll Star".

            I sat down beside him and just listened. He glanced up at me for a second but it was clear his guitar had a bigger hold on his focus.

            "Did you get the stag do all sorted?" I asked over the music.

            He ignored me and kept playing the song.


            "C'mon, Adds! Don't ruin it!" He exclaimed looking up at me but not stopping his guitar. "I'm in me element!"

            "I know." I nodded. "But-"

            He tutted and set his guitar on the floor. He stared away in thought and I knew I had to do something.

            I crawled behind him and gripped his shoulders.

            He sighed as I pressed hard on his shoulder blades with my thumbs.

            "You know Ignition could set it up for you." I reminded him while I continued his massage. He was so stiff I could tell he needed one as soon as I touched his shoulders. "That way you wouldn't-"

            "So you'd set it up for us?" He inquired.

            I shook my head. "No. That's not my department-"

            "Then I'm not interested." He faced forward. He winced when I pressed harder. "Why couldn't they just have Whitey do it? Or just stay in London? What the fuck's wrong with just goin' down the pub in Camden or summat? Why can't we just stay in Blighty and..." He trailed off with a sigh.

            "Where do they wanna go?" I asked moving on to the space between his shoulders.

            "Ibiza." He replied leaning over a bit. "But I don't wanna go." He turned around to face me. "I don't wanna leave you!"

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