Chapter 152

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I stopped on the sidewalk and breathed it all in. The sun, the fresh air, the flowers, the trees, the black squirrels. Everything I hadn't been around in years other than a couple short visits.

            Nothing had changed much except for a few additions to the campus. But most of the old buildings were all the same. The plants were all the same. I was so glad they tried to keep its history while still modernizing it.

            "C'mon, Wilbie." I instructed tugging on his leash.

            He grunted softly as he toddled along behind me.

            We walked up the sidewalk towards the section of dorms I once called home...and then my cell phone rang.

            I rolled my eyes at the caller ID. I didn't want to bring it with me but promised certain people I would since I'd be away by myself.

            "Hello?" I spoke into the receiver.

            "Hello, Addie." Came the calm yet serious reply. "It's Marcus."

            "I figured as much given the number you're callin' from. How ya doin'?"

            "Very well, thanks. How are you?"

            "I'm pretty good. Just-"

            "Look, Addie." He interrupted me. "I'm not gonna beat 'round the bush. I know you're only about a half an hour away from the gig-"

            "Gig?" I echoed puzzled. "Thought all the gigs in Ohio and Pennsylvania had to be cancelled 'cuz of the flooding?"

            "Just the ones in Cincinnati and Pittsburgh." He informed me. "They had to reroute the tour because of it so the gig in Pittsburgh had to be cancelled."

            "Hmph! That damn River!"

            He sighed. "It would be nice to see you tonight. I'm sure your sister and I definitely know Noel-"

            "I'm busy." I declared.

            "Too busy to help Ignition out for the evening? In your home State and everythin'? Tryin' to get Ohioans to appreciate Oasis for more than 'Wonderwall'?"

            "I ain't drivin' there."

            "I can send a car to pick you up."

            "I ain't gettin' in no car with no stranger!" I exclaimed. "Some random ass taxi driver you hired outta Cleveland!"

            "I won't." He assured me. "The driver'll pick ya up within the hour."


            In front of the student center was the easiest place to be picked up. The driveway passed right in front of it allowing PARTA buses and other vehicles through.

            I stood on the sidewalk watching cars and buses go by. There weren't too many since it was summer but there were still a lot more than I expected.

            I didn't know what kind of car I was waiting for. I didn't expect a limousine or anything that fancy. And I had no idea who'd be behind the wheel.

            Finally, another car pulled in. A simple four-door with a very familiar face in the driver's seat.

            "Simon?" I said to myself as my jaw dropped at the sight of him.

            "Hello, Miss Addie!" He smiled and nodded at me. "I've come to take ya to Blossom Music Center."


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