Chapter 115

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            The quiet thumping of the train wheels against the track beneath it was music to my ears as we rolled on through the countryside. Miles of green grass and trees and farmland stretched out beyond both sides of the train showing us just how far from London we truly were.

I gazed out the window unable to take my eyes off the scene. I wanted to take pictures but figured they wouldn't turn out thanks to the speed we were going and the possible flash off the glass.

Noel cleared his throat as he flicked back the sides of his newspaper while he turned the page. "I would've preferred the quiet coach, y'know." He informed me.

"Yeah but you can't talk in the quiet coach." I reminded him. "And we both know how much you like to talk."

The train wasn't too noisy. Yes, there were people chatting throughout our entire car but they weren't that loud and the train ride was quite pleasant.

"Still though. I would've preferred the quiet coach over this one."

"Like the cry room at church?"

"I don't go to church!" He glanced at me for a second before turning straight back to his paper.

"Well I imagine if you did you'd prefer to sit in there."

It was a small room at the back of my home church designed for families with young children. It separated them from the rest of the congregation to allow them the freedom to make noise if they wanted to during mass without disturbing everyone in the process.

Noel lowered his paper just enough to peek out from behind it. "Adds?"

"Hmm?" I replied curiously.

He stared at me in thought for a couple seconds. "Nothin'. It doesn't matter." He shook his head lifting his paper back up. "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

I gazed at the front page of his newspaper hoping I could somehow pierce straight through it. "Cross what bridge?"

"The bridge we've no need to cross now." He flipped the page.

"You need to stop being so cryptic!" I told him.

"Addie, I'm me. I'm always cryptic. It's fun to keep people guessin' what I'm tryin' to say. I've even got you on it!"

I crossed my arms over my chest. "That's not very nice!"

He grinned. "Well I think it is!"

I rolled my eyes leaning back in my seat while I turned back to the window.

"Hey, Adds."

"Hey, Noel."

"What're we havin' done with the post while we're away? Who's pickin' it up for us?"

"No one is. The post office is holding it for us." I revealed.

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Well what're we gonna do about the paper? We can't go without the paper, Adds. The crossword. What're we gonna do?"

"We'll go down the corner shop." I grinned wrapping my arms around his left one and resting my head on his shoulder.

He chuckled softly resting his head on mine for a second before lifting it back up to focus on his paper again.

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