Chapter 17

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Author's Note:

            I just realized I called Alan White, Steve by mistake in the last chapter. My bad. I probably got hung up on the name from skimming through Tony McCarroll's book. I went back and fixed it. Thanks again for reading!

            With everything that happened, I just wanted to hide away for a while in Manchester but Liam wouldn't have it.

            "I need ya to come with me." He said. "I won't be able to deal with Noel on my own."

            "And you think I'll make things better?" I asked.

            "Yeah. Noel just said all that shit 'cuz he knew he'd get a rise outta ya. And me. He's a fuckin' prick. To everyone. Besides, you were hired on by our management to look after us. And fuck knows I need lookin' after. You're comin' with me, Tix. End of."

            And so, I accompanied Liam and the rest of the band to Wales to record their next album. Why they chose Wales, I have no idea. They recorded the last one there so maybe they just wanted to keep things consistent. Regardless, I didn't want to ask questions. I just sat back and watched it all go down.

            Noel wanted to get going as soon as possible and what Noel wanted, Noel got. He kept everyone on their toes with a strict "no dicking around" policy. He wanted to get shit done and surprisingly it seemed to go well...for a bit anyway.

            "Right." He said to Liam when they got ready to do the next track. "I've got two songs here, and you're only singin' on one of 'em."

            "What d'ya mean I'm only singin' on one of 'em?" Liam asked shocked. "I'm the fuckin' singer! I'm s'posed to sing 'em all!"

            "Not this time! I'll play them both and you pick one. Whichever one you don't pick, I'll sing."


            "If you're gonna be difficult, I'll fuckin' sing 'em both and you can fuck off back to Burnage." Noel warned. "I'm not afraid to sack ya, and I fuckin' will if I have to."

            Liam stood still as a statue for a couple minutes, clearly weighing his options. "Alright." He finally said. "Play 'em both and let me see. They better not be shit."

            And they weren't. They were both so beautiful, I couldn't decide which one I liked better.

            "I'm singin' the first one." Liam declared when he finished. "You can have the other."

            "Deal." Noel said with a nod.

            They recorded it quickly. The band had achieved quite the record for getting songs done pretty fast. Liam's vocals were perfect just as Noel's acoustic playing was. The others' performances were good too, but I usually only paid attention to the brothers. Even though Noel pissed me off to no end, I couldn't take my eyes off him when he had a guitar in his hands.

            "Right." Liam said as Noel and the others set up to do the second song. "I'm not arsed to sit 'round and listen to this. C'mon, Tixie. Let's go down the pub."

            He grabbed my hand and led us to the door but Noel stopped us on our way.

            "Hang on!" He called.

            We turned around to look at him.

            "She's not goin' with you."

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