Chapter 117

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The alarm clock jolted me awake with its ever annoying screech.

            I rolled over reaching to shut it off while Noel squeezed me a little tighter.

            "This could've been avoided, y'know." He spoke by my ear. "We wouldn't have had to rush and we could've slept in longer if you'd have just..." He yawned. "If you'd have just let us stay in London."

            Noel thought we should stay at Supernova Heights rather than down home so we'd be closer to Dr. Carson's office. At least the night before my appointment so we could be settled in and not have to put forth much effort into making travel arrangements.

            But I didn't want to leave Rupert that long and reasoned it wouldn't take too long to get to London from Bucks. It was only a little over an hour – nothing major.

            Noel wouldn't let me drive us and I didn't really want to anyway so we recruited Simon for the job. We only told him where we needed to go but didn't give him a reason why. He was happy to take us and never asked questions, respecting our privacy in that kind way he always did.

            The same sonographer from the last time welcomed us into the office and straight back into one of the examining rooms. After a few initial questions, she instructed me to change into a gown just in case they needed to do a different type of ultrasound than anticipated.

            I got changed then sat down on the examining table propping my feet up in the stirrups on the end of it. I sat back and got comfortable while the girl spread the gel over my stomach and grabbed the wand.

            "Don't see nothin'." Noel remarked as we all stared at the screen. "Why can't we see anythin'?"

            "Don't worry." She assured us. "The baby's probably just too small to see this way."

            His eyes widened in slight shock. "Probably? What's that supposed to mean?"

            "Relax, Noel." I ordered gripping his hand a little tighter.

            He got quiet and we continued to watch the screen. But all we could see was just gray fuzz so the sonographer decided to switch to the alternative ultrasound.

            I kept my eyes on her while she prepared the equipment bracing myself for what was on the way. When it finally happened, I gritted my teeth as the girl slid the probe inside of me.

            "Are you uncomfortable, Adds?" Noel was quick to notice my unease.


            "You are uncomfortable." He turned to the sonographer. "Ee-arr! My wife's uncomfortable!"

            I breathed out trying to remain calm. "Noel-"

            "How would you like havin' that thing shoved up your pu-"

            "Noel, heel!" I latched onto the back of his coat managing to keep him from stepping any closer to the girl.

            He turned back around and came over to stand beside me. "Are you alright?" He asked.

            "Yeah. I'm fine." I replied.

            We both focused our attention on the screen and then the sonographer finally found what she was looking for.

            My own heart fluttered as I saw and heard the one on the screen doing the same thing.

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