Chapter 1

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"Who's Oasis?" I asked my friend Kelly as we got ready in her bedroom.

"Some band from England." She replied as she drew her eyeliner pencil across her bottom eyelid. "They're like bigger than the Beatles over there and they're singer is gorgeous."

I hadn't heard them or seen them before so I hoped she was right. For only six bucks, I didn't know what to expect but at least it gave us something to do.

We arrived at the venue which was really small. It felt like we were in an oversized bar. It wasn't skanky which surprised me. We were in Cleveland Heights after all, which definitely had its sketchy parts.

Fans lined up to go in, waiting outside near where the band's tour bus would park. The air was a bit chilly but it was to be expected in Northeast Ohio. I was kicking myself for wearing such a short skirt.

But that all changed when the bus pulled up and its passengers exited the vehicle.

There were five of them. The concert goers screamed and cheered as they filed one by one past the crowd. They were all young (no older than me at least) and beautiful.

Especially the two who came out first.

Their eyebrows stood out like sore thumbs. But their gosh! Crystal blue pools. Dead stares so you couldn't tell where they were looking exactly.

I certainly hoped it was at me.

The first one walked on like he meant business. He led the others like a mother goose leads her goslings. Did that mean he was the frontman?

The second one looked younger than the first. He swaggered along taking a drag off a cigarette as he went. No American guy I ever met walked like that and it was definitely a nice change of scenery.

They had to be related. Their eyes and other features were too similar not to be. But what did I know? That sort of information was Kelly's department.

Surprisingly, all five boys stopped along their journey inside to sign autographs and all that. The closer they got to me and Kelly, the louder my heart started to pound. Those eyes were mesmerizing and I couldn't even tell you the names of who they belonged to.

Until they got close enough.

"Hi Noel!" The girl next to us beamed at Number One.

"Alright." He said with a nod.

"I baked you cookies, er, biscuits." She said as she shoved a box towards his chest.

"They got any drugs in 'em?" He said it so fast and his accent was so thick, I could barely understand him.

But God he was sexy!

The girl stuttered trying to say "no" and this Noel just chuckled at her before walking away with his gift.

I watched him head on his way until someone spoke to me.

"Got anythin' for us to sign?"

I turned to see Number Two staring right at me...and nowhere else. My heart skipped a beat as I focused on the blue.

"No I don't sorry." I replied sheepishly. What the fuck was I apologizing for? It was my loss, not his.

"It's alright, Love. No worries." He replied with a smile and a thick accent to match Number One's. "Just thought ya'd like to 'ave a keepsake or summat. This gig's gonna be fuckin' legendary."

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