Chapter 49

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"Will you please tell me where we're going?" I pleaded as the train pulled out of the station.

            "No I won't." Noel replied curtly. "You'll find out soon enough."

            I rolled my eyes and turned to gaze out the window.

            A crowd of fans followed us from Supernova Heights to King's Cross Station. And once word got out of where we were headed, the train station was packed to the max by the time we got there. Minders and other forms of security escorted us from the car to the platform and the platform to the train. And there'd be a new set of them awaiting our wherever our destination was supposed to be.

            It felt a little like A Hard Day's Night to be honest. I didn't see any fans crying at the sight of Noel though but they were definitely excited to see him. Marcus helped arrange everything. He wasn't with us but his help put me in mind of an unseen Norm. The only difference was Marcus had a better attitude and a hell of a lot more patience.

            Noel kept the train tickets inside his suitcase. And they hurried us along so quick to avoid the chaos, I had no chance to figure things out on my own.

            It was obvious he had something up his sleeve. And I, for the life of me, couldn't figure out what it was.

            Still, I trusted him and decided it best to just relax and enjoy the journey.

            "Alright. Close your eyes." He instructed when the train finally stopped.


            "Just do it, Adds! Have a little fun, will ya?"

            I played along but Noel wouldn't just leave me to it. I jumped a little when he put his hands over my already closed eyes and pushed me forward guiding me along.

            I could hear people screaming his name. I could hear cameras flashing and even reporters commentating on what the fuck was happening.

            "Yes, Noel Gallagher, lead guitarist of Oasis has just arrived in-"

            Noel quickly removed his hands to block my ears with them.

            "With his fiancée, Addie Miller." I heard them finish once he put his hands back on my eyes.

            He was good at thinking on his feet. Brilliant, actually. But I guess he kind of had to be.

            From a train to a room. And a car and a room. And a...okay, maybe there weren't that many steps to get through. But I definitely knew we went straight from the train to a car. And the car to someplace else.

            "We're here." Noel informed me.

            I felt him reach across my lap and open the door, grazing my ribcage and stomach with his arm.

            "Don't open your eyes!" He warned.

            "I won't!" I assured him.

            I heard the other backseat door open.

            "C'mon!" He said a few seconds later when he was on my right side and clearly out of the vehicle.

            He took my hands and helped me out, leading me forward like he'd done when exiting the train.

            We walked on until he stopped us. I felt him reach in front of me again and then heard a door open. He ushered me through with a polite, "After you."

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