Chapter 16

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            "Some Might Say" – the little ditty Noel wrote that sounded as uplifting as "Live Forever" – was officially released. People loved it so much it shot straight to number one, giving the boys another one of their many firsts.

It came as no surprise how happy they were. Noel's happiness was quite an odd sight for a couple reasons. One: it always seemed to take a lot to make him smile. Two: he was actually being nice to Tony for a change.

The band was set to play the song on Top of the Pops. The atmosphere of the dressing room before the show was thick with a strange feeling. Noel seemed too happy as he rattled off all the great things he and the others had accomplished. Add to that how he kept his eyes on Tony while he said all of it and the awkwardness just kept coming. The others stayed quiet, even Liam who just stared off looking half guilty. Like he'd just driven his scooter through his mother's flowerbed and mowed down all her tulips.

But the show was amazing. Liam's hair looked perfect and I couldn't wait to run my fingers through it when we got back home. The rest of the band looked great too. Even Noel. You couldn't deny their stage presence no matter how hard you tried.

After the show, Kelly, Tony, Liam, and I rode back to Manchester with BigUn who was nice enough to offer us a ride. The car was eerily silent. I thought maybe the boys were just too tired to talk. But Liam's eyes told a different story. The guilty look from before hadn't left them yet and he appeared rather pensive. He went to say something to Tony but stopped himself before he did. He just grabbed my hand and held it tight as he gazed out the window.

I was happy to be back in Manchester. I missed it so much. It had a different vibe than London. Sure, it was another big English city but it had its own personality. I liked London for sightseeing but I liked Manchester for living. I was kind of glad Liam wasn't in a hurry to move.

Liam actually wasn't in much of a hurry to do anything. At least, not in those next few days after TOTP. He hung about the flat in a daze that wasn't induced by drugs and I started to worry.

"Are you okay?" I asked as we sat together on the couch one rainy afternoon.

"Yeah." He replied softly.

"Okay. You just seem quiet."

"Well I'm allowed to be, aren't I? I like it quiet sometimes. Especially when it's just me and you."

I smiled at him in reply.

He did the same although his was much smaller and more reserved.

We relaxed together for the rest of the day and I had to agree with him.

I liked it in the quiet with just us too.

The next few days sped up though, with Liam insisting we go here, there, and everywhere Manchester had to offer. Pubs, friends' houses, his mother's. We pretty much only went to the flat to sleep.

I got so caught up in all the running around, I forgot we hadn't seen the others since we came back to Manchester. Noel was in London of course but the others had all went north. Bonehead was probably with Kate. Guigsy was probably with the flight attendant. And Tony and Kelly were probably together in Levenshulme spending time with Tony's little girl.

Liam didn't have a phone in his flat so there was no way of reaching out. I suppose I could've used a payphone but I really wasn't that arsed. I figured we'd all catch up eventually at a party or the band's next gig.

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