Chapter 59

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            The gel felt cold on my stomach but the machine wouldn't work without it. We all stared intently at the screen as the girl ran the wand across my skin.

"There's the heart beating." The doctor said pointing at the little pulsating spot in the center.

"Would ya look at that!" Noel exclaimed pointing with one hand and gripping my hand tight with the other.

They told me it might be too soon to see it just yet...but it was possible so of course we wanted to see if we could.

"He's got the heart of a star, him!" Noel continued the grin spreading wider on his face.

I smiled as I looked at the black and white screen. Our little fish was in the middle of a very big pond...and my heart melted at the sight.

They gave me a due date of June fifth which didn't add up to my calculations. Regardless, either date was still before me and Noel's first wedding anniversary.

I didn't want to be one of "those girls". I didn't even see myself as being a parent someday but there I was.

I wondered what my family would think. What Noel's family would think. We got married pretty quick and now this baby would come even quicker.

But as my godmother would've likely said when we finally told her, "Yins had a year."

It made me feel better but reminded me I needed to consult with Emma on when we'd finally bring the whole family to London.

I scheduled my next appointment and Noel told the secretary he'd be coming with me. I was glad he was there and glad he was so happy.

We spent the evening on the couch with Noel insisting I keep my feet up. The doctor's office sent us home with a bunch of pamphlets and things to keep us busy for quite a while.

Noel scooted down so he could lay with his head by stomach. He began rubbing his hand in a circular motion right under my belly button. And then he began to sing.

Close your eyes

Have no fear

The monster's gone

He's on the run and your daddy's here

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Before you go to sleep

Say a little prayer

Every day in every way, it's getting better and better

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Out on the ocean sailing away

I can hardly wait

To see you come of age

But I guess we'll both just have to be patient

'Cause it's a long way to go

A hard row to hoe

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