Chapter 119

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I wasn't one for wrapping gifts. I could do it of course but I wasn't much of an artist. I didn't see the point. Why bother putting so much effort into making the paper pretty if people are just going to tear it off anyway?

            Emma was much better at the task than I was. She could always measure and cut the paper so well. Tape it up perfectly while I just sort of threw it together. My measurements never looked as smooth as hers and because of that she was always made to do the job.

            At least during past Christmases anyway.

            I was on my own for Christmas of 1998 so I parked myself in the living room and got to it.

            "Ee-arr! What's all this?" Noel inquired pointing at all the gifts piled up in front of the Christmas tree.

            "Presents." I replied as I slid the pair of scissors along the wrapping paper.

            "Presents for who?"

            "Mom, Dad, your mom, Mam, Pap-"

            "They don't need all this shite!" He protested. "They're gonna tell ya they don't need it. Your gran especially'll-"

            "They're getting 'em anyway!" I adjusted my seat on the floor gripping my stomach while I moved.

            "Christ!" He muttered sprinting over and sitting down with me. "What ya need help with? What can I do? Just say the word and I'm yours."

            I smiled at him. "Here. Hold this down while I tape it." I instructed showing him the part of gift wrap I needed his help with.

            He stayed with me being a very good little elf and before we knew it, the gifts were ready to be given.

            After that, we went to the kitchen and I began packaging the cookies and other treats into Tupperware containers. They smelled delicious and there were so many of them...

            "What're you doin'?"  Noel asked his eyes widening a bit. "Thought you said we weren't allowed eatin' any of 'em until Christmas?"

            "Oh, I'm not eating it for me." I informed him taking another bite. "I'm eating it for our Grace."

            He smirked raising his eyebrows. "Oh, really?" He snatched up a cookie and chomped into it. "Then I'm noshin' one for her as well!"

            I snickered while I wiped crumbs off my lips then went to the fridge. "Do you think it'd be okay if we took cheese with us?" I rummaged through the shelves and found the coastal cheddar. "Or do you think it'd spoil?"

            "I think we should take Concorde." He returned.

            I breathed out. "Noel-"

            "The cheese wouldn't spoil. Our Grace'd be comfortable-"

            "She'll be comfortable on the flight we already booked."

            "No, she won't." He shook his head. "I don't like the idea of yous bein' on such a long flight. It's too much. I don't care what Dr. Carson says-"

            "We'll be fine, Noel." I assured him. "We could probably just put some ice packs in with the cheese."

            I hauled cheese once for Aunt Sheila when Emma and I went to visit her. We were on separate flights and Emma took some of it down with her while I brought the rest. It was only from Ohio to Florida so not a very long flight. The TSA people questioned Emma about what was in her bag but never noticed when I had the same thing in mine...funnily enough.

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